7 Continuous Spatial Variation

7.4 Kriging

Having obtained estimates of β, σ, ϕ and τ, we can proceed to the prediction step. Suppose we wish to predict S at some new locations, denoted S~, we do this by computing 𝔼(S~|Y) and 𝕍(S~|Y). Suppose the length of S~ is m i.e. we are interested in predicting the spatial process at m new locations in space. The (m+n)-column vector, [S~Y]T, is jointly multivariate Gaussian. For given β, σ, τ and ϕ


so the joint density function of [S~Y]T is,


In the above ΨS~,S is available directly by evaluating the covariance function σ2ρ(x~i-xj) between all prediction locations x~i and all data locations xj and similarly Σ~ is computed as σ2ρ(x~i-x~j). The conditional density of interest, π(S~|Y), is also Gaussian with mean and variance available using standard results:

𝔼(S~|Y) = ΨS~,S[Σσ,ϕ+τ2I]-1(Y-Zβ)
𝕍(S~|Y) = Σ~-ΨS~,S[Σσ,ϕ+τ2I]-1ΨS~,ST

An example of the prediction surface for the magnesium example is shown in Figure 7.5. Sometimes only the diagonal entries of 𝕍(S~|Y) are returned by computer software, but minimally, this enables us to compute pointwise standard errors.

Figure 7.5: Link, Caption: The shaded surface shows the spatial prediction of magnesium soil content over the study region, obtained by Kriging. Lighter areas are regions of comparatively high magnesium content; the raw magnesium content is also illustrated using hollow circles, as in Figure 7.1.