Many studies in environmental epidemiology investigate disease incidence near one or more pre-specified pollution sources (‘point sources’, ‘line sources’, etc.). In this case, more tightly-constrained modelling of may be justifiable. Four plausible models for are given below.
An elevated (additive) level of risk within distance of a point source (Elliott et al., 1992).
A more general version of ‘near vs far’, with several levels of risk (Stone, 1988) might set , monotone non-increasing (the form of would have to be specified)
The above models are simple and parsimonious, but possibly unrealistic. It is more plausible to think that risk will vary continuously according to distance and direction from the source. A general formulation of a model that takes into account these factors is
where is a function to be specified, as in the two further examples below
Continuous decay in risk, depending on distance (but not direction) from the point source (Diggle and Rowlingson, 1994).
Continuous decay that depends both on distance and direction from the source (Lawson and Williams, 1994).
Interpretation of model parameters:
: elevation in risk at source
: rate of decay of risk with distance from source, as in the isotropic model
: direction of plume
: degree of directional concentration of plume
This anisotropic model is most often used for modelling the flow of airborne pollutants.
It is important to emphasise that initially specifying usually amounts to determining a suitable functional form, which depends to a great extent on the context of the exposure being modelled. Once the form of has been determined, its parameters are then estimated using the case-control data. Testing the significance of estimates these parameter then reveals information about the likely elevation in risk according to distance and/or direction from the source. More complex (multi-parameter) models for inevitably require more case-control data in order for their parameters to be estimated precisely.