When regression models are fitted to area-level data, the effect of covariates on the fitted means may or may not be the same as the corresponding effects on individual risk. Differences between covariate effects at individual and at area levels lead to what is usually called ecological bias.
Suppose that we wish to describe the relationship between an outcome variable and an exposure ;
imagine that we collect data , where denotes groups (areas), and denotes individuals within groups.
Figure LABEL:fig:ecological1 shows the relationship between and using synthetic data from individuals in five groups:
Unnumbered Figure: Link
Unnumbered Figure: Link
Unnumbered Figure: Link
Caption: Showing the potential relationships between and , that might arise depending on the choice of model. In each plot, the red dots are the data points, . Broadly speaking, these show a strong negative trend, but within this negative trend, there are 5 groups of individuals and within each group, the trend between and is slightly positive. In the top plot, only the individual level data are shown. In the bottom left plot, in addition to the individual level data, the large blue dots are the group-level averages , where is the mean of the s in the th group and is the mean of the s in the th group. In the bottom right plot, the group level averages are now shown as hollow blue circles and two regression lines have been added. The dashed blue line corresponds to a regression on the group level averages (model 1 in the text), whereas the five solid red lines are from a regression model that respects both the group and individual-level structures in the data (model 3 in the text). Model 1 would lead one to conclude that the relationship between and is strongly negative, whereas Model 3 captures the positive trend between and within each group.
Consider three possible models for the above synthetic data:
Common individual-level regressions
This model is not correct.
Separate individual-level regressions
This model is correct, but not identifiable from group-level data (we need individual-level data for each group to estimate the group’s slope).
An additional group-level covariate
if , then
This model is correct, and is identifiable if is known, and
if , then
This model is implicitly assumed in an ecological regression of on hence the estimand in ecological regression is , not .
An extremely widely-cited an early historical example of the effects of ecological bias outside environmental epidemiology relates to a study carried out by the French sociologist Émile Durkheim. Durkheim collected data on suicide rates in Prussian provinces in the 1890s, and compared these to the proportion of the population that was Protestant. The graph below shows the relationship for four typical provinces, and indicates an apparently strong positive relationship between the two variables.
The ecological bias here becomes apparent when examining suicide rates from individual religious groups (Protestants, Catholics, Jews, etc). The suicide rates of the non-Protestants was highest in the provinces that contained the most Protestants, and it is this that appears to explain the ecological effect shown in the figure. For more details, see Morgenstern (1995).
Ecological bias is closely related to the phenomenon known as Simpson’s paradox, or Yule’s paradox. Wakefield (2004) provides a full discussion of ecological inference and related topics.
Let be small spatial regions be counts in . Let be a spatially varying risk factor.
Individual-level model
Cases form an inhomogeneous Poisson process,
Area-level model
It is common practice to assume a model of the form
where and are the averages over the small area of and , respectively. Note that this is strictly incorrect, except under rather special conditions.
For problems of this kind, the suggested strategy is to:
specify the model at the individual level
derive the resulting joint probability distribution for area-level data
check that parameters of interest are identifiable from area-level data
make the required inferences
See, for example, Prentice and Sheppard (1995) and Sheppard and Prentice (1995). Li et al. (2012) and Taylor et al. (2013) discuss a data-augmentation scheme (under modelling assumptions) to enable an individual-level model to be fitted to aggregated data under the slightly more complex scenario that is stochastic.