4 Methods for Spatially Aggregated Data

4.1 Poisson regression modelling

Recall that in a homogeneous Poisson process the number of events in any region A follows a Poisson distribution with mean λ|A|, where |A| denotes the area of A and λ is the intensity, or mean number of events per unit area.

In an inhomogeneous Poisson process, constant intensity λ is replaced by spatially-varying intensity, λ(x), and the number of events in A is Poisson-distributed with mean

Figure 4.1: Link, Caption: Figure showing a realisation of a homogeneous Poisson process (black dots) superimposed onto a tessellation of the unit square (solid lines). Recall that, by definition, the counts in each of the polygonal regions follow a Poisson distribution with mean equal to the area of the region multiplied by the intensity.
  • Let Ai:i=1,,n be a partition of a study region A into sub-regions

  • Let Yi denote the number of cases in Ai (i.e. instead of a point pattern, we only observe a count in each of the n disjoint regions)

  • Suppose cases from a Poisson process with intensity λ(x)

  • Then, the Yi are mutually independent, YiPoisson(μi), where


4.1.1 Recap: Poisson regression modelling

The Poisson regression model is an example of a generalised linear model that takes as its starting point the model


and incorporates covariate information at a log-linear model


where g() is often called the link function. The log function is the canonical link function for the Poisson model. Under this model, μi is equal to both the mean and the variance of Yi.

Given μi, the deviance is defined as


and can be used as a test of significance of a candidate model and its parameters. Two models can also be compared using


By Wilks’s Theorem, the deviance, asymptotically, has a χq2-distribution, where q is the number of degrees of freedom difference between the two models under consideration. Goodness of fit is discussed in Section 4.3.

In the context of spatially aggregated data, a relevant question to ask of the Poisson modelling approach is: does it correspond to any self-consistent model of the underlying spatial process of disease risk?