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13-15 September 2013, Lancaster University UK | ||
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PapersInformation will be posted here in due course. Authors are requested to email either their paper, if possible, or slides to epop2013@lancaster.ac.uk, ideally by Monday 2nd September. Friday 13th September MR1: Referendums/the Scottish referendum 1 Chair: Christopher Carman ‘An Informed `No’: Voting Behaviour in the Irish Fiscal Compact Referendum’ ‘Campaign Dynamics in Secession Referendums: Quebec and Scotland under the microscope’ ‘Information availability and information use in direct democracy: Can voters cope with direct democracy?’ pdf MR2: Electoral Systems Chair: Alastair Clark ‘Monotonicity and non-monotonicity at elections under PR-STV’ pdf ‘Centrifugal or Centripetal? The Effect of Preferential Electoral Systems’ ‘Electoral system change and reshaping the political spectrum – When does it happen?’ pdf MR3: Turnout 1 Chair: Tony Mughan ‘Voting Together: Is Electoral Turnout a Social Activity?’ ‘The Mobilization effects of partisan cues. Evidence from a Randomised Field Experiment in the UK’ pdf ‘Priority Congruence, Turnout, and the Moderating Role of Partisanship’ pdf MR4: Gender Chair: Kirsti Winters ‘Contextual Determinants of the Latin American Gender Gap in Political knowledge’ pdf ‘Glass ceilings or glass partitions? Measuring women’s executive presence in the UK’ ‘Gender Differentiation in Opinion Headscarves: The Role of Interviewer Effects’ ‘Is there a Demand for Reform? Examining Attitudes about Women’s Underrepresentation’ Session 2: 15.15-16.45 MR1: Referendums/the Scottish referendum 2 Chair: Christopher Carman ‘Public Attitudes towards Scotland’s Constitutional Future: A Question of Head or Heart?’ ‘Social Media Discourse on the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum Campaign: Who, What, and with What Impact? ‘ ‘An Uncertain Outcome? Determining Electors’ Views on Scotland’s Constitutional Future’ pdf MR2: Electoral systems and parties ‘Candidate gender and electoral outcomes in a preferential voting system: district level effects’ ‘Electoral Rule Disproportionality and Platform Polarization’ ‘Disproportionality and bias and party competition in Indian Electoral Politics’ MR3: Turnout 2 Chair: Tony Mughan ‘Understanding Local Turnout in a Compulsory Voting Setting’ pdf ‘Does Corruption Suppress Voter Turnout? A Multilevel Analysis of 38 Countries’ ‘A tale of sinful cities and virtuous villages? A spatial and socioeconomic investigation of turnout decline under compulsory voting in Belgium’ pdf ‘Formal Education and Political Inequality in Europe: a Multi-level Path Modelling Approach’ pdf Session 3: 17.00-18.00 MR1: Discussion of suggestion that EPOP members should prouce a guide to the next general election Philip Cowley (Nottingham) and Rob Ford (Manchester) MR2: Political Opinion and Attitudes 1 ‘Shadows of Past Regimes: Authoritarianism, Priming, and the Formation of Ideology in New Democracies’ ‘Governmental responsiveness to public opinion after ‘external shocks’. A case study of nuclear energy policy after the Fukushima disaster’ MR3: Political protest ‘Residues of the Student Movement in Japan: Formative Experiences or Lifelong Learning?” ‘Does It Pay to Protest? A Large N-analysis of Citizens’ Complaints against Facility Sitings’ MR4: An interesting miscellany 'The Usefulness of Consumer Sentiment: Assessing Construct and
Measurement' pdf ‘Civility 2.0: A Comparative Analysis of Incivility in Online Political Discussion’ pdf Saturday 14th September Session 4: 9.30-11.00 MR1: Campaigning 1 Chair: Justin Fisher ‘The Timeline of Election Campaigns: A Comparative Perspective’ pdf ‘Internet use in campaigning in Finland’ pdf ‘Campaign effectiveness in comparative perspective’ pdf MR2: Participation and expectations ‘Ideals and actions: Do citizens’ patterns of political participation correspond to their process preferences?’ pdf ‘Two dimensions of citizens’ feelings of responsiveness: regime and incumbent responsiveness’ pdf ‘Exploring Political Disappointment’ pdf MR3: The right in Britain ‘The populist beauty and the fascist beast? Comparing the support bases of UKIP and the BNP’ pdf ‘Revolt on the Right: Understanding support for the UK Independence Party and the British National Party’ ‘UKIP candidates and policy positions in the 2013 English local elections’ pdf MR4: Political Opinion and Attitudes 2 ‘Framing of Foreign Aid: Survey Experiments in the US and UK’ ‘England and its Two Unions’ pdf Session 5: 11.30-13.00 MR1: Campaigning 2 ‘Does campaign contact mobilise individual voters? A quasi-experimental approach’ pdf ‘What makes a successful local electoral campaign? Evidence from local government elections 2006-2013’ pdf ‘Experts, Activists, and the Disproportional Influence of Opinion Leaders in Election Campaigns’ MR2: MPs and Parliaments 1 ‘House or Home? Constituent preferences over representative activities’ ‘What characterises a good MP? Public and Parliamentarians views compared’ MR3: Comparative elections 1 ‘Policy Priorities and Ideology in Europe: A Study of the Ideological Associations of Issue Priorities and Ideological Consistency amongst Voters and Candidates’ ‘Voters, Parties, and Issue Attention’ pdf ‘A Political Science Example of the Orthogonal Re-Parameterisation Approach to Estimating a Dynamic Panel model with Fixed Effects ‘ ‘A New Measure of Perceived Responsiveness – Psychometric Evidence from ‘A statistical model to transform election poll proportions into representatives: The Spanish case’ pdf Session 6: 14.00-15.30 MR1: Parties 1 ‘Party Membership Matters’ pdf ‘Still For God and Ulster? A Membership Survey of the Democratic Unionist Party in Northern Ireland’ MR2: MPs and Parliaments 2 ‘The public won’t stand for it – or will they? Attitudes to job-sharing MPs’ pdf ‘All change but still the same? The professionalisation of politics in Britain’ MR3: Comparative elections 2 ‘Real Choices: Does It Matter What’s On The Ballot? pdf Powerpoint slides ‘‘A turn towards values?’; Is there a common underlying values structure within the European Electorate?’ pdf ‘What Can We Learn from Weird Elections?’ pdf MR4: Election Administration 1 ‘Public Administration and the Electoral Process in the 2010 British General Election’ ‘Party Funding - talking transparency’ Powerpoint slides ‘The move to individual electoral registration - the transitional stage’ Session 7: 16.00-17.30 MR1: Parties 2 ‘Explaining the salience of decentralization in party competition’ pdf ‘Duverger’s Law and Information: The Role of Media Availability in the Relationship Between Electoral and Party System’ ‘How Many Parties? A More Sensitive Approach to Measuring the Effective Number of Parties’ pdf MR2: MPs and Parliaments 3 ‘Social media and parliaments: speaking the same language?’ pdf ‘The Early Day Motions on minority-related issues: Using text as data of Jewish and Muslim parliamentary representation’ pdf ‘Servants of two Masters: The influence of Public Opinion and Mass Media on Policy Agenda MR3: Comparative elections 3 ‘Economic Voting in Decentralised Countries’ ‘Why do people vote for a party that does not represent them?’ ‘Voting intention stability in a multiparty setting: A two-wave panel study among adolescents and their parents in Belgium’ pdf MR4: Election Administration 2 ‘Electoral Law - the chance for change’ ‘Scottish Local Government Elections Inquiry: Review of Options for Improving Voter Representation’ pdf ‘Does Spending on Elections Matter for Election Quality?’ 17.30-18.15 Plans for the next British Election Study The new BES team will present their plans, including procedures for consultation with colleagues. Sunday 9th September Session 8: 9.30-11.00 MR1: Elections and Voters in Britain 1 ‘Ed Miliband: A 360 degree view’ 'Social Change and the Evolution of the British Electorate' pdf ‘Tactical voting in England: Constituency marginality and distance from contention’ pdf MR2: European Public Opinion 1 ‘A multilevel analysis of public support for development across the European Union’ pdf “It’s nice to know that you’re close at hand”: Representational distances and satisfaction with democracy across Europe ‘Types of Regions: A Comparison of Public Attitudes to Regional and National Government in Fourteen European Regions’ MR3: Ethnicity: participation and representation 1 ‘Which diversity? Political involvement in heterogeneous contexts’ ‘The effect of immigrant residential concentration and party competition on the representation of immigrant-origin minorities at the local level’ MR4: Local elections Chair: Colin Rallings ‘’Gimme your name and I’ll tell you who you are’ An exploration of the name of local lists’ pdf ‘Partisan Context and the Structure of the Vote in Mayoral Elections’ pdf ‘Establishing the list in local elections: the case of non-partisan and citizens politicians candidates in the 2012 Walloon elections’ Session 9: 11.30-13.00 MR1: Elections and Voters in Britain 2 ‘Asymmetric Evaluations: Government Popularity and Economic Performance in the United Kingdom’ pdf 'Green Shoots of Recovery? Assessing Liberal Democrat Electoral Performance' ‘Three Approaches to Gauging Media Effects’ pdf ‘Perceptions of party competence and issue proximity over time – Evidence from the 2005-2010 BES panel study’ pdf MR2: European Public Opinion 2 ‘Citizenship and Policy in Multilevel Europe’ ‘Political Tolerance: A Media Systems Approach’ pdf ‘Regime Legitimacy in Times of Economic Crisis: The Robustness of Individual and Contextual Correlates of Satisfaction with Democracy’ MR3: Ethnicity: participation and representation 2 ‘Incumbency, votes and electoral outcomes: Examining the effects of candidate ethnic origins on party performance in local elections’ pdf ‘Where you come from, what you know and why you come: disaggregating the effects of region of origin, migrant characteristics and migration type on British reactions to immigrants’ |
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Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion, County South, Lancaster University, LA1 4YL, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1524 594260 Fax: +44 (0) 1524 594238 Email: ppr@lancaster.ac.uk |