Innovate Sustainable
Through disruptive innovation, we will bring lasting change, both within the University and the library sector. We’ll be active in areas that are not traditionally seen as library business.
Achieving our vision
Examples of how we are addressing the Innovative Sustainable theme within our vision and our future plans.
Tab Content: Academic year 2021-22
- Undertook the Alterline library life Pulse survey and follow-up consultations to inform our approach to managing study space and library wellbeing activities, engagement with research and teaching, and use of resource lists.
- Ensured the sustainable provision of collections by leading on national negotiations with Elsevier as part of the N8. Extended access to library resources through introduction of Rapid ILL and contributions to Jisc Library Hub.
- Provided employment and development opportunities for students as mentors, tutors and ambassadors, through internships, kickstart scheme and placements. Partnered with the Careers service, delivering presentations, talks and developing an online tutorial for library employability resources.
- Launched a development partnership with EBSCO to develop Panorama analytics dashboards, which will incorporate data from various systems and sources to facilitate holistic data analysis and drive evidence-based practice.
- Hosted activities and events that showcase and encourage debate about environmental sustainability, including the Library festival, Eco Challenge finale, FST science week.
Tab Content: Academic year 2022-23
- Delivered a user Experience research project looking at One Search during the summer of 2023.
- Development and launch of institutional Open Access Fund pilot.
- Successfully implemented Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) to improve search functionality.
- Gained support for our reading list strategy, and promoted and supported the use of reference management tools.
- Hosted activities and events that showcase and encourage debate about environmental sustainability.
- Introduced an event proposals form and procedures for managing events in the Library building.
Tab Content: Academic year 23-24
- Complete Alma/Agresso integration to improve financial management.
- Implement ChronosHub for effective management of Article Processing Charges.
- Scope, procure and implement new publications, theses and data repositories.
- Review and update resource list processes, provide further training opportunities for academic staff and identify early opportunities for implementing policy as part of Curriculum Transformation Programme.
- Explore roles for the library in support of University sustainability agenda, e.g. mapping research against UN SDGs.
- Review and develop our approach to managing online enquiries and chat, improving user experience
- Undertake the Alterline Library Life Pulse satisfaction survey and a mid-point evaluation of the impact of our Library vision.
- Undertake a Records Management Archival Project (RAMP) creating a sustainable approach to developing the University Archive.
- Introduce Engagement and Events group as a subgroup of LMT and develop an Engagement strategy that aligns with our vision.
- Introduce one-page project plan approach to managing library projects.