Employer briefing: Supporting workers in insecure jobs
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Currently one in five workers (6.2 million) in the UK are in severely insecure work. While insecure work is not inherently good or bad, some forms of insecurity can contribute to higher risk of job loss, lower financial wellbeing, poor health outcomes and lower access to important employment rights.
At a time of staff shortages and record levels of long-term sickness, a healthy and happy workforce can be a competitive advantage. Analysis by the Work Foundation at Lancaster University and the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) demonstrates that good management practice can play a critical role in people’s experience of insecure work and that specific management choices and behaviours can mitigate some of the negative impacts of insecure employment.
Individual senior leaders and line managers will face different opportunities and challenges in supporting employees in insecure jobs depending on their organisation, its sector and business model.
Building on findings set out in recently published research – Managing Insecurity: The role of good management – this employer briefing aims to provide advice to support insecure workers in your organisation. It includes:
Advice for senior leaders
- Monitor and evaluate the scale of job insecurity in your organisation
- Engage with your workforce through listening and consultation exercises
- Introduce policies to improve predictability of shifts and working hours
- Invest in training your line managers to support workers in insecure work.
Advice for line managers
- Offer as much certainty around working hours and shift patterns as possible
- Improve communication with colleagues
- Use your managerial oversight to support your team
- Look for opportunities to improve your management skills.
At the Work Foundation, we are interested in tackling structural inequalities in the labour market and job insecurity is an area we are undertaking research on. We would be keen to hear from senior leaders and line managers who are interested in the ways they can support their workforce. Please feel free to get in touch with us at Info@theworkfoundation.com
Read the full Employer Briefing here
View the Managing Insecurity: The role of good management event recording.
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