Charter B: Transcription Lines 1-4

This indenture made yn the feist of þe annunciacioun of owre lady
This indenture made in the Feast of the Annunciation of Our Lady
sent mari þe virgyne In the yerre of the \Reyne/ of kyng Henre the vij\the/ xiiij yerre
St Mary the Virgin in the year of the \Reign/ of King Henry the VIIth 14 year
berres wittenes . be twene Richarde \hynd/ of dagdale in þe parosche of Bromshoulfe
bears witness between Richard Hynd of Dagdale in the parish of Bramshall
in þe Counte of Stafford husbondmon on þat ton partye
in the County of Stafford, husbandman, on the one part,
and Thomas Chedilton of wythyngton in þe parosche of leyght
and Thomas Chedilton of Withington in the parish of Leigh
in the same Counte weuer on þe todur partye . Soo þat þe forseyd Richard hynd
in the same County, weaver, on the other part, so that the foresaid Richard Hynd
hassett and to ferme lett to þe seyd Thomas ij Croftis for terme of vij yerres
has set and to farm let to the said Thomas 2 crofts for term of 7 years
nexte foloyng þe Date a bouffe writton be fully paste and exspiryd
next following the date above written be fully passed and expired

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