Charter A: Transcription Lines 5-8

mesuagium nuper habuimus ex dono et feoffamento Iohannis Sadelere de Walden
messuage [indeed] we had lately by the gift and feoffment of John Sadler of Walden
habendi et tenendi predicta mesuagium et curtilagium cum omnibus pertinenciis suis
to have and to hold the aforesaid messuage and courtyard with all its appurtenances
predictis Willelmo Roberto Iohanni Hunte Rogero Iohanni Howlot nicholao et Johanni Ade heredibus
to the aforesaid William, Robert, John Hunt, Roger, John Howlot, Nicholas, and John Adam, their heirs
et eorum assignatis De Capitalibus dominis feodi illius per seruicia inde debita et de
and their assigns, of the chief lords of that fee by the services thence owed and by
iure consueta In cuius rei testimonium huic presenti carte sigilla nostra apposuimus
right accustomed. In witness *whereof we have affixed our seals to this present charter
*['of which thing']
Hiis testibus Johanne Sutton Willelmo Prentys Simone Adam
these being witnesses: John Sutton, William Prentice, Simon Adam,
Simone Pepyr Johanne Saman et aliis Data apud Walden nono die Aprilis
Simon Pepper, John Saman, and others. Given at Walden on the ninth day of April
Anno regni Regis Henrici quarta post conquestum secundo --
in the second year of the reign of King Henry, the Fourth after the Conquest.

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