Know men present and to come* that we, Thomas Warwick, Thomas Heyne,
Thomas West,
*[Let those present and future know]
et Johannes draper de Walden dedimus concessimus et hac presenti
and John Draper of Walden have given, granted, and by this present charter |
nostra confirmauimus domino Willelmo Bolton Clerico
domino Roberto margery Clerico Iohanni Hunte |
of ours confirmed to Sir William Bolton, clergyman, Sir Robert Margery, clergyman,
John Hunt, |
Rogero Hunte Johanni Howlot Iuner Nicholao Cook
et Johanni Ade maltere - |
Roger Hunt, John Howlot, joiner, Nicholas Cook, and John Adam, maltster ...
vnum mesuagium cum curtilagio iacens in villa de Walden in vico vocato |
one messuage* with a courtyard** lying in
the town of Walden in the street called
*[property] **the actual word used in a legal document today would be curtilage; it means 'yard',
'courtyard' or other land.
Cherchestrete inter mesuagium Simonis Pepyr ex parte vna et
mesuagium |
Church Street between the messuage of Simon Pepper on the one side and the messuage
Anne Sutton ex parte altera. Vno capite abuttante super
vicum predictum et alio capite |
of Anne Sutton on the other side, at one end abutting on the aforementioned street
and at the other end |
abuttante super curtilagia Iohannis Hunte et Simonis Pepyr:
quod quidem |
abutting on the courtyard of John Hunt and Simon Pepper which [messuage] indeed |