Secretary: Transcription Lines 38-45

........................ Per Dominum Thomam Baxster

.................... Dominus Willelmus Alan
.................... Georgius Skalby Elizabeth vxor eius
.................... Iohannes hoppkynson et margareta vxor eius
.................... Margareta Naburn
.................... Agnes ffoxhole
mortua ...... Iohanna Wilkinson
mortua ...... Alicia Huton

In a modern printed scholarly edition, this would look very similar.
Modern Versions of the Names and Translation from Latin :

........................ By Don. Thomas Baxter

.................... Don. William Alan
.................... George Scalby, Elizabeth his wife
.................... John Hopkinson and Margaret his wife
.................... Margaret Naburn
.................... Agnes Foxhole
dead .......... Joan Wilkinson
dead .......... Alice Hutton

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