Secretary Anglicana: Transcription Lines 27-33

The day is comen / of kaydyfnes /
All žam to care / žat are vnclene
že day of bale / and bittirnes /
ffull longe abedyn / has it bene
že day of drede / to more / and lesse
Of Ire / \care/ of trymbelyng / and of tene
žat Ilke awight / žat weried is /
In a modern edition, with modernised punctuation and speech layout, this would read:

Deus......... The day is comen of kaydyfnes,
.................. All žam to care žat are vnclene;
.................. že day of bale and bittirnes,
.................. ffull longe abedyn has it bene;
.................. že day of drede, to more and lesse,
.................. Of ire, \care/ of trymbelyng, and of tene,
.................. žat Ilke awight žat weried is

Modern-Spelling Text :

.................. The day is comen of caitiffness, .............................[wretchedness]
.................. All them to care that are unclean; ...........................[as a cause of distress to all who are unclean]
.................. The day of bale and bitterness, ............................. [agony]
.................. Full long abiden has it been; ...................................[expected for a very long time]
.................. The day of dread, to more and less, .......................[great and small (important and unimportant)]
.................. Of ire, \care/ of trembling, and of teen, ...................[wrath ... torment]
.................. That ilk a wight that waried is .................................[every accursed creature]
.................. [May say, 'Alas, this day is seen!'] ...........................[that this day is here!]]

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