Secretary Anglicana: Transcription Lines 15-18

_________________________________________________________ tertius diabolus
He schall do right to foo / and frende
ffor nowe schall all že soth be sought
All weried wightis / with vs schall wende
To payne endles / žei schall be broght

In a modern edition, with modernised punctuation and speech layout, this would read:

Tertius Diabolus ...... He schall do right, to foo and frende,
.................................. ffor nowe schall all že soth be sought:
.................................. All weried wightis with vs schall wende;
.................................. To payne endles žei schall be broght.

Modern-Spelling Text :

Tertius Diabolus........ He shall do right, to foe and friend, .....................[do justice impartially]
[Third Devil]............... For now shall all the sooth be sought: ..................[the truth be examined]
.................................. All waried wights with us shall wend; .................. [accursed creatures must go with us]
.................................. To pain endless they shall be brought. ................. [eternal torture]

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