Secretary Anglicana: Transcription Lines 7-14

_________________________________________________________ primus diabolus
ffelas arraye vs forto fight
And go we faste / oure fee / to fange
že dredefull dome / žis day is dight
I drede me žat we dwelle full longe
_________________________________________________________ secundus diabolus
We schall be sene ene in žer sight
And warly waite ellis wirke we wrange
ffor if že domisman / do vs right
ffull grete partie / with vs schall gang
In a modern edition, with modernised punctuation and speech layout, this would read:

Primus Diabolus ....... ffelas, arraye vs forto fight,
.................................. And go we faste, oure fee to fange:
.................................. že dredefull dome žis day is dight;
.................................. I drede me žat we dwelle full longe.

Secundus Diabolus ...We schall be sene ene in žer sight
.................................. And warly waite, ellis wirke we wrange;
.................................. ffor, if že domisman do vs right
.................................. ffull grete partie with vs schall gang.

Modern-Spelling Text :

Primus Diabolus ..... Fellows! array us for to fight, ......................[let us get ready]
[First Devil]............... And go we fast, our fee to fong: ................. [receive our 'pay']
..................................The dreadfull Doom this day is dight; .......... [set for, arranged/
..................................I dread me that we dwell full long. ...............[I am afraid we are delaying]

Secundus Diabolus...... ......
[Second Devil] ..........We shall be seen e'en in their sight ................[even]
..................................And warely wait, else work we wrong: .........[keep a careful watch out]
..................................For, if the Doomsman do us right, ................[Judge does us justice]
..................................Full great party with us shall gang. ................[a great proportion will have to go with us]

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