Bastarda: Sample Transcription Lines 1-2 and 19-23

Here is a sample transcription of lines 1-2 of the Rouen Book of Hours. Lines 19-23 are below.

salum me fac : et in virtute tua libera
me . Quia in inferno . lectio . viii . [octaua]
Translation :
... make me whole, and in Thy power release me.
Because in hell [etc.]. Lesson 8.

Last five lines:

... mea : et in carne mea videbo deum
... saluatorem meum . Quem visu -
... rus sum ego ipse et oculi mei cons-
... pecturi sunt : et non alius . Reposi -
... ta est hec spes mea in sinu meo .
Translation :
... my [skin], and in my flesh I shall see God [my Saviour].
Whom I myself shall see, and my eyes shall behold,
and not another: this hope is laid up in my bosom.

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