Gothic Textura Rotunda Lines 16-19: Transcription

                        Here gif hem die ewige ruste ende
                        dat ewige licht moet hem lichten. antiphona
                        Alle geesten louen den heer Ont antiphona
                        bint here hoer sielen van allen banden

In a modern biblical layout, with modern distribution of u/v and i/j this would read:

Antiphona Here, gif hem die ewige ruste ende dat ewige licht moet hem lichten.
Antiphona Alle geesten loven den heer.
Ont bint here hoer sielen van allen banden ...

[From the Office of the Dead: these Antiphons follow the psalm]:
Lord, grant them eternal rest and let perpetual light shine upon them.
Antiphon Let everything that hath breath (lit. all spirits) praise the Lord.
Antiphon Lord, release their souls from all bonds [of sin] ...

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