Strike Action University Community

Unite Support the UCU Strike

Unite Lancaster Branch have sent a Solidarity Statement to UCU Lancaster ahead of their strike starting on Wednesday 1st December.

The Unite the Union Branch at Lancaster University fully supports UCU in its industrial action campaign to win a fair pay rise and maintain working terms and conditions for staff.

We also support them in their fight to maintain their pension rights and receive a fair pension.

We believe with such a strong mandate the action is justifiable, and thank UCU for taking this forward.

Further information for Unite members

The strike days are:

  • Wednesday 1st December 2021
  • Thursday 2nd December 2021
  • Friday 3rd December 2021

Unite members have not been balloted so are unable to take strike action. As a Unite member who is not a member of UCU you must come into work unless you have a legitimate reason for absence. It is illegal for you to go on strike without a ballot mandate.

Unite and Unison, the other campus trade union, however, do support the UCU strike.

On the strike days, UCU will be picketing at the entrances to the University and you will have to cross the picket line. However, as Unite does support the strike, feel free to stop and talk to the pickets to show your support. Any donations to their strike fund would be much appreciated.

As a Union we have sent the above Solidarity Statement which will be readout at their rally at the town hall.