Newsletter Rep Update University Community

Meet A Rep


I first got involved as a Union Rep in March 2016 after about 18 months at the University and as a Unite member. Initially I started as a Health and Safety Rep, undertaking 2 stages of courses with the TUC in Manchester, and this remains the area that interests me the most. In my ‘day job’ I’m a Technician in LEC with a number of Safety roles and responsibilities so my work and Union activities complement each other. Over the last (nearly) 6 years I’ve become involved in other areas of Union work on campus which helps spread the load from Ian, Eamon and Andy. This has included Safety inspections and numerous safety meetings, initial case-work, attending the Wellbeing Engagement Group which is putting together the University Wellbeing Plan and most recently attending the Sustainability Management Group – Transport.

SMG – Transport

Before his retirement a couple of years ago, Martin Ward attended this group on our behalf for many years, and since then Ian and I have shared responsibility for attending. The group looks at parking provision on campus, including the costs of permits, and other forms of travel including buses and cycling. As you might be able to guess from the name of the group – Sustainability Management – for the University to reach its carbon emission reduction targets it needs lots of staff to switch from driving to campus to using the bus or active travel. One issue with this, that all your reps on this group have raised, is that there are groups of staff, many of them Unite members, who work shifts and are therefore unable to catch the bus. These staff have to drive to campus. We’ve also made representations for and supported the move to the new parking price structure based on staff grades. The SMG – Transport group really is one where Union representation works for our members and where our comments and contributions are taken on board and welcomed by the other members of the group.

Being a Rep

In my experience most, if not all, of the groups and meetings I attend are welcoming and grateful to suggestions, comments and feedback that I give on behalf on the Union. And when I say Union, I mean our branch members. Because when I speak as a rep, I’m speaking with the backing of the membership, and that is powerful. There is lots of rep work going on across campus all the time and we are always looking for more reps to spread the work around. As well as safety, wellbeing and transport there is equalities, green issues and member case-work. You can give as much or as little time as you are able to Union work and anything you can give is helpful. I can tell you from experience that you will be fully supported by more experienced reps but also given the space to find the things that are important to you and bring suggestions and thoughts to reps meetings. If you are interested in getting involved then please get in touch with any of the reps. I’m always happy to go for a brew and a chat! Remember, this is your Union.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas, Tim Gregson