Newsletter Rep Update University Community

Meet A Rep


I first got involved as a Union Rep in March 2016 after about 18 months at the University and as a Unite member. Initially I started as a Health and Safety Rep, undertaking 2 stages of courses with the TUC in Manchester, and this remains the area that interests me the most. In my ‘day job’ I’m a Technician in LEC with a number of Safety roles and responsibilities so my work and Union activities complement each other. Over the last (nearly) 6 years I’ve become involved in other areas of Union work on campus which helps spread the load from Ian, Eamon and Andy. This has included Safety inspections and numerous safety meetings, initial case-work, attending the Wellbeing Engagement Group which is putting together the University Wellbeing Plan and most recently attending the Sustainability Management Group – Transport.

SMG – Transport

Before his retirement a couple of years ago, Martin Ward attended this group on our behalf for many years, and since then Ian and I have shared responsibility for attending. The group looks at parking provision on campus, including the costs of permits, and other forms of travel including buses and cycling. As you might be able to guess from the name of the group – Sustainability Management – for the University to reach its carbon emission reduction targets it needs lots of staff to switch from driving to campus to using the bus or active travel. One issue with this, that all your reps on this group have raised, is that there are groups of staff, many of them Unite members, who work shifts and are therefore unable to catch the bus. These staff have to drive to campus. We’ve also made representations for and supported the move to the new parking price structure based on staff grades. The SMG – Transport group really is one where Union representation works for our members and where our comments and contributions are taken on board and welcomed by the other members of the group.

Being a Rep

In my experience most, if not all, of the groups and meetings I attend are welcoming and grateful to suggestions, comments and feedback that I give on behalf on the Union. And when I say Union, I mean our branch members. Because when I speak as a rep, I’m speaking with the backing of the membership, and that is powerful. There is lots of rep work going on across campus all the time and we are always looking for more reps to spread the work around. As well as safety, wellbeing and transport there is equalities, green issues and member case-work. You can give as much or as little time as you are able to Union work and anything you can give is helpful. I can tell you from experience that you will be fully supported by more experienced reps but also given the space to find the things that are important to you and bring suggestions and thoughts to reps meetings. If you are interested in getting involved then please get in touch with any of the reps. I’m always happy to go for a brew and a chat! Remember, this is your Union.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas, Tim Gregson

Health & Safety National Union News Rep Update University Community

Free Vend Sanitary Products for Staff

Unite The Union reps at Lancaster have worked with colleagues from across the University to make free sanitary products accessible to staff. From September 2021 sanitary products will be available from five vending machines at locations across Bailrigg campus. The University’s announcement can be seen by staff on the Intranet. Some quotes from the article:

We have been collaboratively working on this project after presenting the idea at a communication and consultation meeting in September 2019. This was prompted by Unite’s national period dignity campaign and is a positive step in changing attitudes around periods. It’s also been an excellent example of partnership working between Unite the Union and Lancaster University as an employer. This is a fantastic step forward for Lancaster University, and Unite are very happy we are now at a stage to implement free sanitary products for staff.

Jessica Fisher – Unite Health & Safety Rep

As an employer committed to advancing equality for our staff, this is an important step for us to take. It is also a great example of how our University and its Unions can work well together. I’d like to thank everyone involved in this project.

Russ Quigley, Deputy Director of People and Organisational Effectiveness

The free vend products are available in five locations across campus chosen for their proximity to high-footfall areas, and are in the following gender-neutral facilities:

  • Bowland North- B077 accessible washroom
  • Health Innovation One – D15d5 accessible washroom
  • Lancaster Environment Centre (LEC) – C22 accessible washroom
  • Management School West Pavillion – WP C037 accessible washroom
  • InfoLab21 – C09 accessible washroom

You can locate the free vend machines via the Mazemaps family friendly site.

What is Unite’s Period Dignity Campaign?

Unite launched it’s Period Dignity Campaign in 2018 and got its first win at the Rolls Royce Washington site in the same year. The campaign demands that women and girls have period dignity and calls for sanitary products in the workplace and places of education to be as normal as having access to toilet roll.

By making changes in our workplaces, places of education and in society, Unite believes women and girls will be able to have a positive period knowing that they are able to access sanitary products.

If you have any comments on the campaign or on how the free vend is working on campus please get in touch with one of your reps.

Health & Safety Rep Update

Tom Marsh – A Fond Farewell

After 5 years at the University Tom is moving on to a new job as a hospital porter in Kendal. During his time at Lancaster Tom has been a Health and Safety Rep and a valuable member of Unite’s Health and Safety Committee. He has undertaken Trade Union training courses to develop his skills and expand his knowledge. Tom has been involved with many successful projects and building inspections. When asked which he was most proud of Tom mentioned the Cleaners Welfare Facility:

Most notable was the refurbishment of the welfare facility for the cleaners in south west campus. What was a Health and Safety hazard was transformed after we responded to our members regarding the state of it and made representations to management. Finally it was refurbished and decorated with new flooring, new worktops, more electrical sockets and a new sink and drainer.

It’s been a pleasure and privilege to represent staff as a Rep. I hope I have made a small contribution to supporting staff with union and Health & Safety issues.

The Health and Safety Committee certainly think that Tom has made significantly more than a small contribution to supporting staff and making conditions better for members across campus!

I would like to thank Tom on behalf of our members for all the hard work he has done, especially with his role as a Health and Safety Rep. He will certainly be missed at the branch meetings and its been a pleasure working along side Tom both as a colleague and as a union rep.

Ian Curwen – Unite Health and Safety Committee Chair

Tom has been a real asset to the branch and its members and we’ll miss his input, dealing with issues and advice.

Andy Baker – Branch Chair

All reps wish Tom well in his new job and thank him for all the hard work he has done for Unite on campus. He is a real example of how important it is to have active reps, supported by the Union, to represent and improve the working conditions of members.

If you would like to find out more about being a Rep then please contact one of our current reps on the Reps Page or Health and Safety Page and they will be happy to discuss this further. There are many different roles that can be taken on to fit around your availability.

Trade unions DO make a difference, and WE are the union.

Rep Update

Retirement & Pensions

Retirement is one of the most complex times of our life we will experience but strangely it one of the ones we have the most time to plan. We start work whilst in our younger years and retirement seems to be far in the future and so planning for it takes a back seat. We enjoy life and before we know it we are receiving long service awards, and reminiscing saying “when I was younger we could buy fish and chips and have change out of £5”.
Its important, what ever stage of life you are in, you take a step back and look at what provisions you have in place for retirement. Working here at Lancaster we have pension schemes that are supported by the employer and these vary depending on your role at the University. Your pension is specific to you and no two pensions will be the same and so this makes it seem complex, however, understanding the value of your pension and what benefits are associated with it is paramount.
To enable someone to give advice on financial matters they have to comply with strict legal controls. There are things you can do for yourself, however:

  • You can find out how much state pension you could get can here.
  • If you are on the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) you can then get a further forecast using the following link

Once you have registered and got onto the site you may have further questions. If it’s general advice, and not financial, then please contact our Pensions Rep – Kev Wallis ( – who will be able to help explain.

You may then decide you would like additional funds for retirement and would like to find out about Additional Voluntary Contributions AVC’s run by Prudential for LGPS.

Members who are on the USS pension scheme may also have many questions, if you forward them to Kev, we will endeavour to find the relevant people to speak to.

Plan for the future now, tomorrow quickly becomes the past!

Rep Update

Cleaners News

Thank you all for returning the survey forms, they have provided us with valuable information we pursue with the University on your
behalf. The lack of information, the poor quality of information that had been passed out had no continuity and so resulted in it giving
mixed messages cause distress and anxiety to many of our fellow cleaners. The issue around workload being increased due to covering
for our colleagues was also apparent . This was hampered by an already increased work load due to the pandemic and the constant
need of cleaning touch points etc.

We also would like to let all know that your union will be having monthly meetings with the Facilities managers (Alan and Karen), and
this gives us an opportunity to raise and discuss outstanding issues. It is important that any issues in the first instance are addressed
with your supervisor, and if you cannot get any satisfaction please contact me, or any other Unite reps and we will assist you on
addressing the issue.

Unite has been working hard on your behalf to improve YOUR working conditions for many years. We have worked with the University,
and it certainly hasn’t been easy, to provide all cleaners with an outdoor coat. This is a costly exercise and so it has been agreed it will be
done on a staggered process, to enable the budgets to sustain the investment. You will soon start to see or hear about people getting
their coat, don’t panic you will get one however it could be that you are in the next phase of the purchase. If you have any comments or
questions, drop me a line.

Phillip Demmen (