The branch meetings at Lancaster have become great fun and we always try to do something a little different. We have had Easter Eggs, raffles and Christmas gifts in the past. Its time to get back on track and so we have put together 3 parts to a quiz. All you have to do is email your answers, or send in a hard copy to our branch secretary before Friday midday, 17th December (late entries cannot be accepted). The top 5 quiz entries will be entered into a draw and you stand to chance to win a Christmas themed hamper carefully selected by the quiz masters. You must be available to be flexible to collect the prize in person.
You MUST be a fully paid member of Unite to enter. Quizmasters decision is final.
Thanks to Jess, Eamon and Ian for putting the quiz together!
Round 1

1) Name all 8 reindeers that pull Santa’s sleigh. (Rudolf is not one of them!!)
2) What would you find a joke inside of on Christmas Day?
3) What meat is traditionally eaten on Christmas Day in the UK?
4) What type of pie would you leave out for Father Christmas on Christmas Eve?
5) Who are Father Christmas’s famous helpers?
6) On a traditional Advent Calendar, how many doors are there?
7) Where would you find baubles, lights and tinsel?
8) Unscramble the following to make a festive word — INSETL
9) What is placed at the top of a Christmas tree and has wings?
10) What is the main colour of Santa’s sleigh?
Merry Christmas, Jess Fisher
Round 2
What is the actual name of the song that the following lyrics are in?

11) Snow is falling all around me, children playing, having fun . . . . .
12) Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose . . . . .
13) Come they told me, par rum pum pum pum, our new born king to see . . . . .
14) They’ve got cars big as bars, they got rivers of gold . . . . .
15) Mrs Bradly waits at home in the nuclear fall out zone . . . . .
16) They sold me a dream of Christmas, they sold me a silent night . . . . .
17) Last Christmas I gave you my heart . . . . .
18) I don’t want a lot for Christmas, there’s just one thing I need . . . . .
19) And so this is Christmas . . . . .
20) The party’s on, the feelings here . . . . .
Merry Christmas, Eamon
Round 3
The answers can be found here on our branch website!

21) Who has a contact number 07970919887?
22) What are the vacant rep positions according to our site?
23) What percentage of a successful personal injury claim do you receive?
24) How many Health & Safety reps are listed on our site?
25) Who did we fully support in our recent solidarity statement?
You can download an answer sheet below. Remember to return it to Eamon – Branch Secretary – by midday Friday December 17th.
Good Luck!