
Spring Newsletter 2021


Well we have here the third edition of our newsletter and the 2nd online branch meeting in the planning stage. We are all getting used
to seeing each other on screens and so we are hopefully planning our summer branch meeting to be face to face where we can enjoy
some summer sun and some more traditional features of a Unite branch meeting.
We have a busy time ahead with the election of a new General Secretary for Unite, and you will soon be receiving information around
that. Its important that we influence the direction we want our Union to go in and so we will be involving and informing you as it
We will in turn have our branch elections where we elect all our branch officials. We have recently had so say goodbye to some of our
reps as they have either retired or moved onto pastures new, and so as always we are looking for new reps to join our team. You may
have interests in employment issues, health & safety, green, equalities, pensions, communications etc. and would like to join the reps
here at Lancaster making a difference, then get in touch and we will answer any questions you have in becoming a rep. If this is more
involved than you want to be but you are interested, then a point of contact could be a solution, and again contact us and we will
explain the role.
The reps we have currently work hard on your behalf and we have seen many positive results with ongoing issues. There is no doubt
that Unite does make a difference and does support many members through difficult times.
We do need to recruit new members and it doesn’t matter what your role is on campus, Unite is the union of choice. If you recruit a
new member there is a scheme in place where you get a reward for each person once the complete the qualifying period.
Well take care and see you at the upcoming branch meeting.

The next branch meeting will be advertised very soon via email.
It’s the perfect opportunity to ensure all your details are up to date.
Has your – Home address changed?
Telephone number changed?
Mobile phone number changed?
Email changed?
Or just check you contact details are correct
then contact Eamon ASAP (

On Going Corner—Updates

  • VC Gifted Holidays – The grievance submitted around this issue has now been passed to an independent person from Leeds University to review the information submitted by the employer. Unite hasn’t been asked directly to submit any information to the independent person at this time.
  • Period Dignity -The campaign has continued to develop and the University has now committed to investigate avenues to fund the project and how the continued financial support will be provided on the future.
  • Terms and Conditions Review – Unite is committed to conclude the terms and conditions review as soon as possible, however we hampered with the constraints of Covid 19 regulations and controls. We will be meeting with all our cleaners ,who are our members, as soon as we are permitted, to continue the process and seek an agreement in the change.

Its worth remembering that the employer only negotiates or consults with the recognised trade unions on campus and to enable your voice to be heard, be a member of Unite.
NOT A MEMBER? Join today using this link

Health and Safety

We have continued to be consulted on many risk assessments to enable the campus to open up as a safe and welcoming place. The
campus is certainly different from a year ago and quickly becoming more vibrant. Having sufficient risk assessments and controls are
essential to providing a safer workplace and the Unite Health and Safety Reps are committed to ensure we have those. We do need more
Health & Safety Reps, and so if you would like to find out what this entails please contact Ian Curwen ( who
will be able to answer any questions you have.

Branch Web Site

We would love to hear what would be useful on this site and how we can develop it so please get in touch with any ideas or comments.

We would also love to hear what its been like living and working over the last year. What have been the positives and the not so positive
experiences you have encountered? We have a vast range of roles within our membership so why not share your work story and write
a short article for the website? You may have been, or are on furlough, what did or does it mean to you?

Please email articles, ideas and comments to Tim Gregson –
The web page editors decision is final for articles being published on the website.

Security and Porters

The team within security and porters can be challenging to catch up with. This is due to the complex shift patterns and the
unpredictable work challenges that every shift brings along. We would welcome a rep or a point of contact on each shift to enable us to
improve the communications chain and gain the experienced knowledge from your working patterns and challenges. We can work
together to develop your role within the branch.
Contact Ian or Eamon for further information.

Your Covid Stories

Teaching Laboratories – Engineering

The Technicians have been working very hard in Term 1 to run the Face 2 Face teaching practicals. With the numbers of students allowed in the labs at one time being significantly decreased to abide with social distancing rules, it has meant the number of sessions has at least quadrupled. The Technicians have been working hard to provide a safe environment so the important practical teaching can go ahead, this involved altering the layouts, implementing new procedures and the introduction of cleaning schedules between sessions.
Unite would like to thank those members who have contributed to this. Well done!

Jess Fisher – Chemical Engineering Technician, Unite H&S rep

Your Covid Stories

Keeping Campus Clean

Cleaners are part of a wider Facilities team, that ensures the University Campus is clean and safe for all staff and students who are currently on campus, or occasionally have to come on to campus for various reasons.
The daily routine cleaning University buildings, including the Library, laboratories and the Pre-School etc., continues, however, additionally all touch points (e.g. door handles, banister rails and light switches) and work surfaces have to be sanitized frequently. We would like to encourage all members of staff or students can also play their part by wiping down surfaces after they have used them. This ensures the University is as safe as it can be for everyone to live and work.
Gloves and aprons are regularly worn for their work, but now extra PPE (masks and face shields) is the new norm, hopefully reassures people who see us at work. Social distancing involves not cleaning while anyone else is in a room (staff or students), so we aren’t being rude if we ask you to leave. It does mean fewer opportunities to get to know colleagues in other roles and students who come from all parts of the UK and from far too many countries to name individually.
Phillip Demmen – Workplace and Health & Safety Rep

Your Covid Stories

Working through challenging times

We are quickly approaching a year since we heard the Prime Minister announce that the country was going into a full lockdown. People must stay at home and not socialise or travel unless it was for extreme circumstances. This brought a strange silence, except for a Thursday evening when many ventured out onto their doorsteps to applaud the NHS.
We have had many members that have worked continually throughout the pandemic both on-site and at home. It is needless to say without your dedication and commitment, the campus wouldn’t be where it is today. We also had members that have been furloughed, this could be a result of their job being temporarily not needed, or the service reduced. It can also be a result of caring responsibilities for dependants, be it children, or extremely vulnerable family members we have caring responsibilities for.
Why not share some of your experience from this challenging time and email a short piece to Tim Gregson. We can share them here on the website to appreciate what its been like through these challenging times.


Winter Newsletter 2021

Chairs Welcome

So we move into 2021 in pretty much the same position as we left 2020 – in fact, in some ways we seem to have gone backwards.
Just as the lockdown has posed additional concerns and difficulties for people, the same can be said for you reps on campus.
We’ve been in constant communication with senior management, raising your concerns, influencing policy decisions and trying to ensure that your voice is heard. We think we’ve had some significant successes particularly around health and safety and approach taken for staff who have caring responsibilities. This work will continue for some time yet and if you have anything that you think we should be communicating to the management, please get in touch.
Away from Covid, you will have seen the recent announcement regarding the harmonisation of annual leave. Whilst this still has some work to do over the next few months, this should bring an end to the inequality of annual leave dependent on which grade you are. Unite have championed this over the past few years.
As ever, we continue to represent members individually or where we see a collective problem and case work doesn’t seem to stop. The message is the same, always contact a union rep at the earliest opportunity, even if it’s just to chat through the issues.
I think we’re all hopeful that we might see some positive change over the coming weeks and months and we can get back to some form of normality.
It’s not often I’d say this but I can’t wait to have a full branch meeting again.

BRANCH MEETING (Our first on line meeting)
Wednesday 17th February, 12.30
On Zoom – see your emails for log in details or contact a rep

On Going Corner—Updates

  • VC Gifted Holidays – At Christmas the VC gave us all some holidays which we had to take over the Christmas period, as a result of this gift some people have had to use more holidays than they were actually given. This is to do with working patterns and the way leave is granted on a pro rata basis. If you contact us we can give a fuller explanation. As a result of people suffering this detriment, Unite are in the process of lodging a collective grievance. If you check you holidays and see if you have suffered detriment could you let us know.
  • Increase Workload due to Covid-19 – We are currently looking at increased workloads due to Covid-19, the effect that vacancy control is having and what effect VSS will have. If you have any info or you are suffering increased workloads then please get in touch.
  • Period Dignity – Last year we took unites period dignity campaign to the university, and asked the university to provide sanitary products free of charge. Unfortunately, this came to a halt due to covid 19, we have picked this up again now and hope to progress it this year.
  • VSS Update – Anyone who had put in for Voluntary Severance should have had a letter from the University stating the results of their application. Some members have been successful and we would like to wish them the best for the future, and remind them they can continue membership with Unite as a retired member. (Contact Eamon for more details). If you have been successful and need legal help with the settlement agreement, please get in touch and we will put you in touch with Thompsons, the Union solicitors, who will deal with it at no cost to you.

Health & Safety

We have probably all heard, Health and Safety, PPE, Risk Assessment in conversations more in the last year than we could ever have imagined. Unite is constantly working with the University to make it a safer environment, however this isn’t always without the hard work and dedication of everyone involved, including yourselves. Members of trade unions are the eyes and ears to ensure we keep ourselves and others safe during these challenging times.
Lets keep looking after each other and make our work place a safer, happier one!
Trade unions DO make a difference, and WE are the union.

Traveling to Campus

The pandemic has certainly changed our lives and our approach to travel to and from work. If you are experiencing issues travelling to campus because of the restrictions, cuts in public transport services or the fact you should no longer be car sharing please let us know.
We would also like to know if you rely on bus companies other than Stagecoach for your commute to work. This could be Kirby Lonsdale or Travellers Choice bus services for example. Or do you live where there is no public bus service link that can easily get you to campus, and so you have no choice but to drive a car to campus?
Please email any information to –

Your Role During the Pandemic

We have all been playing a vital role over the last year and so we would like you to tell us about your experiences. We have had an article submitted by the Cleaning Division sharing what their role has been like during these ever changing challenging times. We would like to invite you to submit a short article similar to that that we can put onto our new website, you can even pop a photo or two into the article if you wish. Let us build a catalogue of 2020, and beyond, and the challenges its thrown at us all.
Please email articles to Tim Gregson –

Health & Safety

Be Safe When You Return To Work

If you are returning to work on Campus please print off this POSTER and display in your area. It’s a reminder of the 3 main things we can do to remain safe and well and includes contact details for Reps so that you and your colleagues can contact us if you have any concerns.

The national Unite website has a section ‘Coronavirus COVID-19 advice’ with lots of information about living and working with Covid-19, including details of your rights and support available. Follow the link highlighted for more information.


Autumn 2020

Dear all,
I hope you are all keeping well and managing ok in these difficult times.
We thought it would be useful to provide you with an update on various things that have been going on since the lockdown in March and over the summer.
The branch committee have been holding regular update meetings to ensure reps are aware of the everchanging situation on campus and the ongoing work that is taking place both Covid and non-Covid related.
Whilst our focus has been on Covid, we have continued to work on the normal work of trade unions such as representing and supporting members when needed, engaging with the University on policy and procedure changes and raising issues where members feel they need a voice.
Regular HR/union meetings have taken place, initially two or 3 times a week to discuss the response to the current crisis and now reverting to twice a week with one meeting devoted to health and safety issues.
We have met the new Vice Chancellor during his induction period and relayed some of the things that we feel he should lead on as the new head of the institution. We recognise that it’s not an easy time for him to be taking over but that it is important that he understands the concerns and wished of our members. As part of this work, we have had initial conversations about the new University strategy and the work taking place on understanding the University values.
So, work definitely hasn’t stopped for the committee. In fact I doubt there’s every been a time when the executive have ever been as busy and I wish to pay credit to Eamon and Ian who have worked way beyond what could be expected of lay reps.
We continue to do all we can to support members and would urge you to speak to any colleagues that aren’t current members to consider joining Unite on campus. It’s vital that we have maximum membership representation during these uncertain and financially challenging times.
Other committee members will provide updates on other things such as the voluntary severance scheme and the terms and conditions review.

Andy Baker, Branch Chair

Health & Safety

VC Start of Year Message

We have all had the opportunity to read or listen the message from Andy Schofield (new VC) to recognise the start of the new year. Unite along with UCU and UNISON have responded to the message with a statement as follows to the VC, Steve Bradley, Nicola Owen and Paul Boustead.

Joint union statement responding to VC’s start of year message

On 2 Oct 2020 the Vice-Chancellor of Lancaster University stated, in his start-of-year message, that the University have been “…working with trade unions to risk assess all that we are doing.”

The three campus unions (UCU, UNISON and Unite) cannot support this statement, especially the implication that the trade unions support the University’s current approach to institution-wide health and safety. We do not support this approach, and wish to make it clear to members and the wider staff of the University our reasons why:

  • The unions raised serious concerns about the University risking failing to adhere to its legal obligation to consult with unions regarding Health & Safety measures which led to an Emergency Health & Safety Consultation Committee on 10 Jun 2020.
  • Following this meeting it was agreed that a weekly meeting would be established to scrutinise risk assessments and ‘re-opening’ plans for the entire campus following their approval by the PIPR group (Pandemic Institutional Planning & Response Group).
  • Whilst the unions have scrutinised a large number of risk assessments since mid-June 2020 via this meeting, we are aware that there has been a significant amount of activity in the University that hasn’t passed through this mechanism, despite our best efforts.
  • With growing concerns about the safety of staff, students and the wider community, on 25 Sep 2020 UNISON, Unite and UCU issued a notice of unsatisfactory working conditions to the Vice Chancellor, as the individual with overall responsibility for Health & Safety at Lancaster University, citing two overall concerns:
    • that the promise that students would receive in-person teaching this term would put staff at increased risk of infection from Covid 19, and
    • the decision by PIPR to open a number of University buildings to the general public, thereby making it impossible to control the numbers of people passing through them, undermined the hard work that colleagues had put into risk assessing their work, and also increased the risk to staff of Covid-19 infection.

To date the Unions have not received a satisfactory response to the Notice, and are awaiting a follow up meeting.

We urge members of staff not to come to work on campus unless they are absolutely confident that they are being adequately protected against risk of infection from Covid-19. If you are unsure whether your particular area of campus is safe or not, please contact your union H&S officer. If you’re not in a union, please, join one.

The Lancaster University branches of UCU, UNISON and Unite