Health & Safety Rep Update

Tom Marsh – A Fond Farewell

After 5 years at the University Tom is moving on to a new job as a hospital porter in Kendal. During his time at Lancaster Tom has been a Health and Safety Rep and a valuable member of Unite’s Health and Safety Committee. He has undertaken Trade Union training courses to develop his skills and expand his knowledge. Tom has been involved with many successful projects and building inspections. When asked which he was most proud of Tom mentioned the Cleaners Welfare Facility:

Most notable was the refurbishment of the welfare facility for the cleaners in south west campus. What was a Health and Safety hazard was transformed after we responded to our members regarding the state of it and made representations to management. Finally it was refurbished and decorated with new flooring, new worktops, more electrical sockets and a new sink and drainer.

It’s been a pleasure and privilege to represent staff as a Rep. I hope I have made a small contribution to supporting staff with union and Health & Safety issues.

The Health and Safety Committee certainly think that Tom has made significantly more than a small contribution to supporting staff and making conditions better for members across campus!

I would like to thank Tom on behalf of our members for all the hard work he has done, especially with his role as a Health and Safety Rep. He will certainly be missed at the branch meetings and its been a pleasure working along side Tom both as a colleague and as a union rep.

Ian Curwen – Unite Health and Safety Committee Chair

Tom has been a real asset to the branch and its members and we’ll miss his input, dealing with issues and advice.

Andy Baker – Branch Chair

All reps wish Tom well in his new job and thank him for all the hard work he has done for Unite on campus. He is a real example of how important it is to have active reps, supported by the Union, to represent and improve the working conditions of members.

If you would like to find out more about being a Rep then please contact one of our current reps on the Reps Page or Health and Safety Page and they will be happy to discuss this further. There are many different roles that can be taken on to fit around your availability.

Trade unions DO make a difference, and WE are the union.

Branch Meeting National Union News

General Secretary Nomination

At our recent Branch Meeting we heard endorsements for three of the candidates for the upcoming election of a new General Secretary and voted on who we would like to nominate.

There were endorsements for Howard Beckett, Sharon Graham and Steve Turner. All three speakers spoke well about their preferred candidates with a range of views, opinions and priorities. The Branch found it interesting and were grateful to the speakers for making their endorsements.

There was support amoung the members for all 3 represented candidates but in the end it was Howard Beckett who formally received Lancaster University Branches nomination for General Secretary and we wish him well in the contest.

From the 5th of July voting papers will be dispatched from the National Office to your home address. Closing date of the election will be 23rd August and the exact details will be given on the paperwork you receive.

Branch Meeting Community and Charity

Charity Donation – AFC Masters Brew Club

At our recent Branch Meeting we approved a donation of £350 for AFC Masters to go towards developing their ‘Brew Club’ Podcast – an initiative started during the pandemic to keep players and club friends connected. You can find out more about the club and how the donation will be used below. The club are very active on social media – why not give them a follow on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter – to see what they get up to.

My name is Iain Massingham and I am the general manager of AFC Masters. We are a football club, based in Horwich near Bolton, for children and adults who have a disability. We have around 100 players aged from 4 years old right through to their 40s and beyond (myself included in that bracket). We have been running for 15 years now and focus on our three main principles of Fun, Friendship and Football.

During the pandemic we had to, understandably, stop football and up until very recently we hadn’t kicked a ball in over a year. Many of our players have been shielding and were very isolated over the 12 months so we quickly developed a programme of virtual and online activities to keep them entertained and connected with their friends. We welcomed new members to the club over this time who were going through similar circumstances and now as we start to return to the football pitch we hope to get them down to training.

One virtual activity we have been running is our podcast “Brew Club” which runs every Monday evening where we have a different guest who comes on to talk to our hosts, Eve and Mel. We have a leaning towards Mental Health and Wellbeing with the Brew Club and we have big plans to develop it as we move forwards. The funding kindly donated by your organisation would be put into enabling us to do this, and we would be more than happy to credit during the podcast itself.

Branch Meeting Community and Charity

Charity Donation – A.C.E.

At our recent Branch meeting we approved a donation of £350 to local Charity A.C.E – Achieve, Change, Engagement – to support their links with Lancaster City U18s. Below you can find out more about the charity and how the money will be spent.

We are seeking support for a local charity through the sponsorship of a football team based at Lancaster City.

Firstly, the charity, A-C-E (Achieve Change and Engagement) are a charity supporting young people aged between 11 and 25 with mental health and wellbeing problems, offering one to one support and therapy. As you will appreciate, times such as we are experiencing can have serious effects on young people. The charity supports over 350 young people at any one time and often have a waiting list of over 60.

We are hoping to provide the charity with an opportunity to increase their visibility in the local area and raise vital funds by linking them with the second of the organisations, Lancaster City FC U18’s football team. The team progressed from a local football development center and will represent Lancaster City FC in the North West Youth Alliance League playing fixtures across the north west of England as well as the national FA Youth Cup. Our hope is that a number of local supporters will become involved in both the charity and the football team.

The intention would be that the football team would wear shirts with the A.C.E logo. We have also secured a page within the Lancaster City first team match day programme next season to promote the supporters of this initiative.

We are hopeful that we can not only provide A.C.E with increased exposure through the shirt sponsorship, company links and social media but we would also be able to make a financial contribution to their ongoing support costs.  With your support, young people in the local area will be able to continue to access the excellent services offered by ACE and the team can continue with their football development. If you wish to discuss opportunities to become one of our supporters, do feel free to telephone or email.

Branch Meeting

Branch Meeting 02/06/21

The Branch held a meeting on 2nd June 2021 to update members on current issues, including the latest Pay Offer, and to make a nomination for the Unite General Secretary.

Chairs Update from Andy Baker

  • This was the 2nd online Branch meeting and hopefully the last. We are looking at holding an in-person branch meeting next time dependent on how the situation evolves over the coming months.
  • Unite Reps are getting involved in as much as possible across campus, influencing conversations about return to work and reimagining campus etc. We’re working with council and are involved in the Health and Safety Review.
  • Retirement and other changes have affected membership numbers so it’s important for us to bring in more members where we can. Increased membership increases our collective voice and influence in the meetings and discussions reps get involved in.


Final offer from UCEA is 1.5% for grade point 22 and above with a sliding scale of 1.54 – 3.6% for points below 22. The national committee is meeting to discuss their thoughts on accepting or rejecting the offer ahead of a consultative ballot.

Reps expenses and Charity Donations

Branch approved a daily allowance of £25 per day for reps attending training and meetings away from campus. Days can be long and this allowance will help cover basic meals and hot drinks. Branch also approved two charity donations to A-C-E (Achieve, Change and Engagement) in Lancaster and AFC Masters in Bolton – more information available in separate news articles.

Member Benefits

Unite Free Will Service

  • Unite Legal Services Free Will Service is available to all members once they have been a member of the Union for 13 weeks.
  • The service enables you to have a simple Will prepared free of charge by a legal professional.
  • Using a high street solicitor to make a Will can prove to be expensive
  • Our experts will guide you through the Will writing process, explaining the stages clearly to you.
Rep Update

Retirement & Pensions

Retirement is one of the most complex times of our life we will experience but strangely it one of the ones we have the most time to plan. We start work whilst in our younger years and retirement seems to be far in the future and so planning for it takes a back seat. We enjoy life and before we know it we are receiving long service awards, and reminiscing saying “when I was younger we could buy fish and chips and have change out of £5”.
Its important, what ever stage of life you are in, you take a step back and look at what provisions you have in place for retirement. Working here at Lancaster we have pension schemes that are supported by the employer and these vary depending on your role at the University. Your pension is specific to you and no two pensions will be the same and so this makes it seem complex, however, understanding the value of your pension and what benefits are associated with it is paramount.
To enable someone to give advice on financial matters they have to comply with strict legal controls. There are things you can do for yourself, however:

  • You can find out how much state pension you could get can here.
  • If you are on the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) you can then get a further forecast using the following link

Once you have registered and got onto the site you may have further questions. If it’s general advice, and not financial, then please contact our Pensions Rep – Kev Wallis ( – who will be able to help explain.

You may then decide you would like additional funds for retirement and would like to find out about Additional Voluntary Contributions AVC’s run by Prudential for LGPS.

Members who are on the USS pension scheme may also have many questions, if you forward them to Kev, we will endeavour to find the relevant people to speak to.

Plan for the future now, tomorrow quickly becomes the past!

University Community

Young Staff Network

A staff network aimed at supporting younger members of staff early on in their careers has been launched. The self-run group will provide a space for members to learn from their peers, professionals and other network groups both internal and external to the University, as well as signposting to useful resources. The network will also act as an independent, informal and supportive space for younger staff from across the University to meet, share experiences and socialise.
Membership is open to all permanent and temporary Lancaster University staff and PGR students that define themselves as in the
younger staff bracket, typically those under 30 years of age, but the network is very happy to welcome anyone above this age who feel
they would benefit from becoming a member.
You can also join the Young Staff Network Microsoft Teams Group and follow the network on Twitter @LancsYoungstaff

Rep Update

Cleaners News

Thank you all for returning the survey forms, they have provided us with valuable information we pursue with the University on your
behalf. The lack of information, the poor quality of information that had been passed out had no continuity and so resulted in it giving
mixed messages cause distress and anxiety to many of our fellow cleaners. The issue around workload being increased due to covering
for our colleagues was also apparent . This was hampered by an already increased work load due to the pandemic and the constant
need of cleaning touch points etc.

We also would like to let all know that your union will be having monthly meetings with the Facilities managers (Alan and Karen), and
this gives us an opportunity to raise and discuss outstanding issues. It is important that any issues in the first instance are addressed
with your supervisor, and if you cannot get any satisfaction please contact me, or any other Unite reps and we will assist you on
addressing the issue.

Unite has been working hard on your behalf to improve YOUR working conditions for many years. We have worked with the University,
and it certainly hasn’t been easy, to provide all cleaners with an outdoor coat. This is a costly exercise and so it has been agreed it will be
done on a staggered process, to enable the budgets to sustain the investment. You will soon start to see or hear about people getting
their coat, don’t panic you will get one however it could be that you are in the next phase of the purchase. If you have any comments or
questions, drop me a line.

Phillip Demmen (

Health & Safety

International Workers Memorial Day (IWMD) 2021

Every year more people are killed at work than in wars. Most don’t die of mystery ailments, or in tragic “accidents”. They die because an
employer decided their safety just wasn’t that important a priority.
International Workers’ Memorial Day (IWMD) commemorates those workers.
Unite has a dedicated team of Health & Safety Reps who on your behalf investigate accidents or near miss reports you submit. It is
important that you request a copy of the form to be sent to your Health and Safety Representative when you submit a form to the
University. You don’t have to be a member of our union to get the incident investigated independently, just tick the box. It’s essential we
report all accidents of incidents to the employer, and this form can be found using this link

Trade unions DO make a difference, and WE are the union.
Workplaces where there are unions are safer workplaces! (TUC)