Health & Safety Rep Update

Tom Marsh – A Fond Farewell

After 5 years at the University Tom is moving on to a new job as a hospital porter in Kendal. During his time at Lancaster Tom has been a Health and Safety Rep and a valuable member of Unite’s Health and Safety Committee. He has undertaken Trade Union training courses to develop his skills and expand his knowledge. Tom has been involved with many successful projects and building inspections. When asked which he was most proud of Tom mentioned the Cleaners Welfare Facility:

Most notable was the refurbishment of the welfare facility for the cleaners in south west campus. What was a Health and Safety hazard was transformed after we responded to our members regarding the state of it and made representations to management. Finally it was refurbished and decorated with new flooring, new worktops, more electrical sockets and a new sink and drainer.

It’s been a pleasure and privilege to represent staff as a Rep. I hope I have made a small contribution to supporting staff with union and Health & Safety issues.

The Health and Safety Committee certainly think that Tom has made significantly more than a small contribution to supporting staff and making conditions better for members across campus!

I would like to thank Tom on behalf of our members for all the hard work he has done, especially with his role as a Health and Safety Rep. He will certainly be missed at the branch meetings and its been a pleasure working along side Tom both as a colleague and as a union rep.

Ian Curwen – Unite Health and Safety Committee Chair

Tom has been a real asset to the branch and its members and we’ll miss his input, dealing with issues and advice.

Andy Baker – Branch Chair

All reps wish Tom well in his new job and thank him for all the hard work he has done for Unite on campus. He is a real example of how important it is to have active reps, supported by the Union, to represent and improve the working conditions of members.

If you would like to find out more about being a Rep then please contact one of our current reps on the Reps Page or Health and Safety Page and they will be happy to discuss this further. There are many different roles that can be taken on to fit around your availability.

Trade unions DO make a difference, and WE are the union.