
Spring Newsletter 2021


Well we have here the third edition of our newsletter and the 2nd online branch meeting in the planning stage. We are all getting used
to seeing each other on screens and so we are hopefully planning our summer branch meeting to be face to face where we can enjoy
some summer sun and some more traditional features of a Unite branch meeting.
We have a busy time ahead with the election of a new General Secretary for Unite, and you will soon be receiving information around
that. Its important that we influence the direction we want our Union to go in and so we will be involving and informing you as it
We will in turn have our branch elections where we elect all our branch officials. We have recently had so say goodbye to some of our
reps as they have either retired or moved onto pastures new, and so as always we are looking for new reps to join our team. You may
have interests in employment issues, health & safety, green, equalities, pensions, communications etc. and would like to join the reps
here at Lancaster making a difference, then get in touch and we will answer any questions you have in becoming a rep. If this is more
involved than you want to be but you are interested, then a point of contact could be a solution, and again contact us and we will
explain the role.
The reps we have currently work hard on your behalf and we have seen many positive results with ongoing issues. There is no doubt
that Unite does make a difference and does support many members through difficult times.
We do need to recruit new members and it doesn’t matter what your role is on campus, Unite is the union of choice. If you recruit a
new member there is a scheme in place where you get a reward for each person once the complete the qualifying period.
Well take care and see you at the upcoming branch meeting.

The next branch meeting will be advertised very soon via email.
It’s the perfect opportunity to ensure all your details are up to date.
Has your – Home address changed?
Telephone number changed?
Mobile phone number changed?
Email changed?
Or just check you contact details are correct
then contact Eamon ASAP (

On Going Corner—Updates

  • VC Gifted Holidays – The grievance submitted around this issue has now been passed to an independent person from Leeds University to review the information submitted by the employer. Unite hasn’t been asked directly to submit any information to the independent person at this time.
  • Period Dignity -The campaign has continued to develop and the University has now committed to investigate avenues to fund the project and how the continued financial support will be provided on the future.
  • Terms and Conditions Review – Unite is committed to conclude the terms and conditions review as soon as possible, however we hampered with the constraints of Covid 19 regulations and controls. We will be meeting with all our cleaners ,who are our members, as soon as we are permitted, to continue the process and seek an agreement in the change.

Its worth remembering that the employer only negotiates or consults with the recognised trade unions on campus and to enable your voice to be heard, be a member of Unite.
NOT A MEMBER? Join today using this link

Health and Safety

We have continued to be consulted on many risk assessments to enable the campus to open up as a safe and welcoming place. The
campus is certainly different from a year ago and quickly becoming more vibrant. Having sufficient risk assessments and controls are
essential to providing a safer workplace and the Unite Health and Safety Reps are committed to ensure we have those. We do need more
Health & Safety Reps, and so if you would like to find out what this entails please contact Ian Curwen ( who
will be able to answer any questions you have.

Branch Web Site

We would love to hear what would be useful on this site and how we can develop it so please get in touch with any ideas or comments.

We would also love to hear what its been like living and working over the last year. What have been the positives and the not so positive
experiences you have encountered? We have a vast range of roles within our membership so why not share your work story and write
a short article for the website? You may have been, or are on furlough, what did or does it mean to you?

Please email articles, ideas and comments to Tim Gregson –
The web page editors decision is final for articles being published on the website.

Security and Porters

The team within security and porters can be challenging to catch up with. This is due to the complex shift patterns and the
unpredictable work challenges that every shift brings along. We would welcome a rep or a point of contact on each shift to enable us to
improve the communications chain and gain the experienced knowledge from your working patterns and challenges. We can work
together to develop your role within the branch.
Contact Ian or Eamon for further information.