Your Covid Stories

Keeping Campus Clean

Cleaners are part of a wider Facilities team, that ensures the University Campus is clean and safe for all staff and students who are currently on campus, or occasionally have to come on to campus for various reasons.
The daily routine cleaning University buildings, including the Library, laboratories and the Pre-School etc., continues, however, additionally all touch points (e.g. door handles, banister rails and light switches) and work surfaces have to be sanitized frequently. We would like to encourage all members of staff or students can also play their part by wiping down surfaces after they have used them. This ensures the University is as safe as it can be for everyone to live and work.
Gloves and aprons are regularly worn for their work, but now extra PPE (masks and face shields) is the new norm, hopefully reassures people who see us at work. Social distancing involves not cleaning while anyone else is in a room (staff or students), so we aren’t being rude if we ask you to leave. It does mean fewer opportunities to get to know colleagues in other roles and students who come from all parts of the UK and from far too many countries to name individually.
Phillip Demmen – Workplace and Health & Safety Rep

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