
Winter Newsletter 2021

Chairs Welcome

So we move into 2021 in pretty much the same position as we left 2020 – in fact, in some ways we seem to have gone backwards.
Just as the lockdown has posed additional concerns and difficulties for people, the same can be said for you reps on campus.
We’ve been in constant communication with senior management, raising your concerns, influencing policy decisions and trying to ensure that your voice is heard. We think we’ve had some significant successes particularly around health and safety and approach taken for staff who have caring responsibilities. This work will continue for some time yet and if you have anything that you think we should be communicating to the management, please get in touch.
Away from Covid, you will have seen the recent announcement regarding the harmonisation of annual leave. Whilst this still has some work to do over the next few months, this should bring an end to the inequality of annual leave dependent on which grade you are. Unite have championed this over the past few years.
As ever, we continue to represent members individually or where we see a collective problem and case work doesn’t seem to stop. The message is the same, always contact a union rep at the earliest opportunity, even if it’s just to chat through the issues.
I think we’re all hopeful that we might see some positive change over the coming weeks and months and we can get back to some form of normality.
It’s not often I’d say this but I can’t wait to have a full branch meeting again.

BRANCH MEETING (Our first on line meeting)
Wednesday 17th February, 12.30
On Zoom – see your emails for log in details or contact a rep

On Going Corner—Updates

  • VC Gifted Holidays – At Christmas the VC gave us all some holidays which we had to take over the Christmas period, as a result of this gift some people have had to use more holidays than they were actually given. This is to do with working patterns and the way leave is granted on a pro rata basis. If you contact us we can give a fuller explanation. As a result of people suffering this detriment, Unite are in the process of lodging a collective grievance. If you check you holidays and see if you have suffered detriment could you let us know.
  • Increase Workload due to Covid-19 – We are currently looking at increased workloads due to Covid-19, the effect that vacancy control is having and what effect VSS will have. If you have any info or you are suffering increased workloads then please get in touch.
  • Period Dignity – Last year we took unites period dignity campaign to the university, and asked the university to provide sanitary products free of charge. Unfortunately, this came to a halt due to covid 19, we have picked this up again now and hope to progress it this year.
  • VSS Update – Anyone who had put in for Voluntary Severance should have had a letter from the University stating the results of their application. Some members have been successful and we would like to wish them the best for the future, and remind them they can continue membership with Unite as a retired member. (Contact Eamon for more details). If you have been successful and need legal help with the settlement agreement, please get in touch and we will put you in touch with Thompsons, the Union solicitors, who will deal with it at no cost to you.

Health & Safety

We have probably all heard, Health and Safety, PPE, Risk Assessment in conversations more in the last year than we could ever have imagined. Unite is constantly working with the University to make it a safer environment, however this isn’t always without the hard work and dedication of everyone involved, including yourselves. Members of trade unions are the eyes and ears to ensure we keep ourselves and others safe during these challenging times.
Lets keep looking after each other and make our work place a safer, happier one!
Trade unions DO make a difference, and WE are the union.

Traveling to Campus

The pandemic has certainly changed our lives and our approach to travel to and from work. If you are experiencing issues travelling to campus because of the restrictions, cuts in public transport services or the fact you should no longer be car sharing please let us know.
We would also like to know if you rely on bus companies other than Stagecoach for your commute to work. This could be Kirby Lonsdale or Travellers Choice bus services for example. Or do you live where there is no public bus service link that can easily get you to campus, and so you have no choice but to drive a car to campus?
Please email any information to –

Your Role During the Pandemic

We have all been playing a vital role over the last year and so we would like you to tell us about your experiences. We have had an article submitted by the Cleaning Division sharing what their role has been like during these ever changing challenging times. We would like to invite you to submit a short article similar to that that we can put onto our new website, you can even pop a photo or two into the article if you wish. Let us build a catalogue of 2020, and beyond, and the challenges its thrown at us all.
Please email articles to Tim Gregson –