
Autumn 2020

Dear all,
I hope you are all keeping well and managing ok in these difficult times.
We thought it would be useful to provide you with an update on various things that have been going on since the lockdown in March and over the summer.
The branch committee have been holding regular update meetings to ensure reps are aware of the everchanging situation on campus and the ongoing work that is taking place both Covid and non-Covid related.
Whilst our focus has been on Covid, we have continued to work on the normal work of trade unions such as representing and supporting members when needed, engaging with the University on policy and procedure changes and raising issues where members feel they need a voice.
Regular HR/union meetings have taken place, initially two or 3 times a week to discuss the response to the current crisis and now reverting to twice a week with one meeting devoted to health and safety issues.
We have met the new Vice Chancellor during his induction period and relayed some of the things that we feel he should lead on as the new head of the institution. We recognise that it’s not an easy time for him to be taking over but that it is important that he understands the concerns and wished of our members. As part of this work, we have had initial conversations about the new University strategy and the work taking place on understanding the University values.
So, work definitely hasn’t stopped for the committee. In fact I doubt there’s every been a time when the executive have ever been as busy and I wish to pay credit to Eamon and Ian who have worked way beyond what could be expected of lay reps.
We continue to do all we can to support members and would urge you to speak to any colleagues that aren’t current members to consider joining Unite on campus. It’s vital that we have maximum membership representation during these uncertain and financially challenging times.
Other committee members will provide updates on other things such as the voluntary severance scheme and the terms and conditions review.

Andy Baker, Branch Chair