About Us

We are a branch of the national trade union UNITE THE UNION. UNITE is the leading union for all sectors, and when you JOIN us you become part of a diverse and varied community, that supports each other on workplace issues, protecting you rights in the workplace and a healthy working environment.

Unite’s mission is to organise people to strive for a society that places equality and diversity, dignity and respect above all else. This can only be achieved by bringing people together from ALL walks of life.

We all like to have some control in how we plan our life. Why should this be different in the workplace, being part of Unite gives you an   opportunity to have your voice heard. This can be with regards to your terms and conditions of employment, pay and matters with regards to health, safety and wellbeing.

We can achieve so much working together

At Lancaster University we represent members from all areas across the University including Administrative, Catering, Clerical, Manual, Security, Technicians, Trades, Transport and more. WE are the Union.