For us to have experience at all, the following propositions have to be true:-
1. that experience essentially exhibits temporal succession (the temporality
2. that there must be such unity among the members of some temporally extended
series of experiences as is required for the possibility of self-consciousness,
or self-ascription of experiences, on the part of a subject of such experiences
(the thesis of the necessary unity of consciousness).
3. That experience must include awareness of objects which are distinguishable
from experiences of them in the sense that judgements about these objects are
judgements about what is the case irrespective of the actual occurrence of particular
subjective experiences of them (the thesis of objectivity)
4. (that the objects referred to in (3) are essentially spatial)
5. that there must be one unified (spatio-temporal) framework of empirical
reality embracing all experience and its objects (the thesis of spatio-temporal
6. that certain principles of permanence and causality must be satisfied in
the physical or objective world of things in space (the thesis of the Analogies).