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History of Philosophy in the 17th & 18th Centuries

Kant Resources

Kant's texts

The most authoritative English translation of the Critique of Pure Reason is by Norman Kemp Smith. A recent version of this is:

Critique of Pure Reason, Immanuel Kant, Norman Kemp Smith and Howard Caygill, 2003, Houndmills, Palgrave Macmillan.

A plain text e-edition of the Critique of Pure Reason is here.

An excellent web version of the Norman Kemp Smith translation, made available by Stephen Palmquist, Tze-wan Kwan and Chong-fuk Lau is here.

Second hand copies of various editions are generally available via Abebooks.

Introductions to Kant's thought include:

A.C. Ewing, A Short Commentary on Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, London, 1938.

Roger Scruton, Kant, Oxford, 1982, OUP.

The following terrific book I lean on a great deal. It is I suppose an introduction to Kant but it is also a powerfully original and exciting work in its own right. I love it most for its identification in Kant of 'a non-sequitur of numbing grossness' (p.137).

Strawson, Peter, The Bounds of Sense, 1996, London, Methuen

General introductions available on-line include:

Garth Kemerling's

Good introductory notes on Kant are offred by G.J.Mattey

Web pages and portals

Stephen Palmquist's maintains extensive and excellent pages on Kant including ("Kant on the Web") listings of other on-line resources.

Garth Kemerling's pages on Kant are very helpful.

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from The History of Philosophy in the 17th & 18th Centuries:

The Understructure of the Enlightenment


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