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History of Philosophy in the 17th & 18th Centuries

Descartes Resources

Descartes' texts

The best modern English translation of the writings of Descartes that are most relevant to Philosophy is:

Most useful for us is the selection from the foregoing published as:

Many other editions are available, eg the Penguin edition:

Second hand copies all editions are generally available via Abebooks, which accesses most serious second-hand bookshops world wide and which I can warmly recommend.

All the Descartes texts that are closely relevant to what we do are also available for free on the web of course.

I have downloaded plain copies to our own server so that I can mark them up for our specific purposes. These might be the best things to use for printing off hardcopies.

Here are the versions I have messed with:

More scholarly web editions are generally available, for example:

Introductions to Descartes' thought include:

General introductions available on-line include:

Convenient collections of articles taking specific topics deeper are:


A systematic (and excellent) commentary on the central text for Descartes' philosophy (the Meditations):

There are a great many more. The Routledge Encyclopaedia article on Descartes offers a shortlist.

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Last revised 05:03:03

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from The History of Philosophy in the 17th & 18th Centuries:

The Understructure of the Enlightenment


A module of the BA Philosophy programme

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