Quality Percentage thinking this feature is objective 2004 Percentage thinking this feature is objective 2003 Percentage thinking this feature is objective years combined The tree does not have this quality independently of any sentient being observing it: The tree has this quality independently of any sentient being observing it: Question not clear enough to answer
  Shape 76.27% 82.00% 79.14% 10 45 4
  Weight 76.27% 81.00% 78.64% 10 45 4
  Mass 76.27% 83.00% 79.64% 10 45 4
  Occupancy of space 76.27% 90.00% 83.14% 10 45 4
  Feeling rough 37.25% 38.00% 37.63% 28 19 4
  Colour 41.18% 41.00% 41.09% 25 21 5
  Sound 41.18% 39.00% 40.09% 26 21 4
  Motion or rest 54.24% 88.00% 71.12% 10 32 17