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Tom Guyn
I am interested in the environment and health. I am a practicing
Internist (Internal Medicine) and love philosophy. I was educated in California,
then went to medical school in Rome, Italy. My practice has taken my family
and I from California to Saudi Arabia, Germany, now Minneapolis, Minnesota.
I am curious about the relationship and moral responsibilities that
governments have toward the environment and especially as it influences
our health.
I enjoy reading, pottery, and running. I have a British wife and 2 children.
Beth Carruthers
For more than twenty years, I’ve been involved in
both the arts and environmental concerns as an interdisciplinary artist
and writer. A graduate of the Emily Carr Institute of Art & Design
in Vancouver, I also studied at the University of British Columbia, a
small school of art in the south of France and worked with Interactive
Technologies and New Media at Simon Fraser University, Canada. My experience
as a visiting lecturer and artist includes presentations on community
and EcoARTS practice. I’ve worked with science based, environmental,
and social issues groups and for 6 years was a Founding and Creative Director
of SongBird, a hybrid project connecting the arts, communities and ecology
in urban centres. My work explores how we humans navigate our relationship
with the more than human world. It is profoundly concerned with lived
meanings of dwelling and home, particularly in the context of colonial
histories – which have everything to do with nature/culture relations.
I’m curious about the intimacies of a shared biology, of the shared
sensible – intimacies so obvious as to be unfamiliar. Having discovered
the MAVE in 2000 while attending Between Nature, I immediately recognised
that it was remarkably suited to my work and interests. I am very delighted
to be “here” and afterward plan to complete a PhD with a view
to teach. I live in a log house on a smallish island
off the west coast of Canada with one partner and various non-humans.
Hannah Fenton
Elisabeth Kolovou
Areti kontogianni
Aurora Trujillo Peraire
Kirsty Miles
My key interest in environmental philosophy is in the crossover
between environmental and social justice, and I am taking MAVE with a
view to work in this field. I am also interested in the way in which hands-on
relationships with the natural world relate to human wellbeing. In September
2003 I moved down from the North to live in London, where I currently
work with disabled students in further education. I am taking MAVE part-time
so will graduate in 2005.
Currently based in the countryside just outside Geneva, I have also lived
in Bermuda, the UK, Italy and Japan. I studied Philosophy at Durham, with
smatterings of music and Italian. During my third year abroad I had two
seperate internships at the WWF HQ in Gland, Switzerland, which was, I
think, the decisive catalyst for the interests which led me finally to
the MAVE. My final year of my undergraduate degree was spent focusing
on some environmental ethics and the earlier works of Heidegger. I work
at the WHO headquarters and spend most of the rest of my time playing
and writing music. I'm delighted to be a part of the MAVE at Lancaster
and am looking forward to learning a whole lot more about this area!
E-mail: Daniel
Elena Aleman
Dan Firth
David Mollah
I am Romanian, but I have been living in the US for the
past 5 years. I am married with a US Navy Officer, and I have 3 step children.
We also have two gorgeous cats, which are part of our family. Since last
month I am finally a permanent resident in the USA, which I had waited
for, for almost 4 years. Therefore these past years were not all easy
for me, but I am happy with what they thought me. I have a MSc in Environmental
Sciences and Policy from Central European University/The University of
Manchester, UK. That was a great experience which made me very fond of
the UK education system, even though it happened in Budapest, Hungary.
I came to the US as a PhD student, but that did not work well for me (
I finished the first year); I was not as much interested in the degree
as I was interested in the type of knowledge that I was offered. I discovered
environmental philosophy while I was writing my MSc thesis (The Value
of Protected Areas in Romanian Society), and I was fascinated by it. My
other favourite subject is ecology. I would love to be a college professor
someday, teaching somewhere between ecology, environmental conservation
and environmental philosophy. However, for the past 3 years I could not
work (did not have a working permit in the USA), so I feel a little intimidated
by not having any ‘intellectual past’ in this country. I have
worked in Romania, with several environmental NGOs (volunteer), and I
have taught in high school. The other job I have been dreaming about is
to work for WWF. I hope now, that I finally have a normal status and I
can work, to reach one of the two. I pretty much fought and reached my
dreams so far… ! I had been wishing to be a MAVE student for 4 years,
and I am very happy to finally be here. A couple of not such formal things:
I like to travel and experience, I love all sorts of music; I am happy
that I saw YES, Rush and Van Morrison last year.
Sky McCain
career was spent as a computer hardware and software course developer
and instructor in the U.S. In the last 20 years I've been exploring the
issues around the nature of being and our relationship with the Earth
as a living being. My experience building a mud brick house and caring
for 30 acres in the mountains of Northern Victoria, Australia has helped
me to bond with the land. In the last 3 1/2 years in England I have been
active in the promotion of nutritious, chemical-free, local food and in
resisting the contamination of our food with GMOs. Thanks to the AwayMave
program, I am taking the first step in the fulfilment of a lifetime ambition
to hold a Doctorate in Philosophy.
Jeff Walton
I am 32, married just over a year, a first-year pastor at
Belltower Reformed Church in Ellsworth, Michigan. I have a B.A. in Communication
with a philosophy minor, and a Master of Divinity from Western Theological
Seminary, with an emphasis in Christian Ethics. I enjoy fishing and soccer
(football), and I have three dogs (2 beagles and one bassett-spanial mix).
I hike, mountain climb, and canoe and kayak regularly, and hope to open
a coffee shop on the side. My goals from the MAVE coursework include but
are not limited to the creation of a new ethic for environmental stewardship
for the Reformed Church, and eventually the production of a book designed
to teach this ethic.
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