Regular communication channels to the Oxford Brookes
LARA and the Portsmouth
RAPPORT projects, also funded by hefce/fdtl, have helped enhance efficiency and
avoid overlap.
Investigating UK universities’ PRA preparation and monitoring of undergraduate
students for PRA
conducted by the University of Central Lancs. and St. Martin’s
College, Lancaster has noted scale and types of current pedagogical activity with
a view to identifying best practice. See also
In this context use and design of diaries was investigated in a University of Sheffield
Devising, piloting and perfecting instruments for PRA data-gathering from u/g
Instruments include
intercultural incidents,
interculture quizzes .
See also ICP Outcomes
Gathering and banking PRA data from u/g students via application of the various
Over three years successive cohorts of different types of students at three
institutions of varied character have enthusiastically supplied data on their PRA
intercultural experience through the array of instruments.
Gathering and banking PRA data from PGCE/Maîtrise
postgraduates at Homerton College
Data from future Modern Languages teachers experiencing their second (postgraduate)
PRA, this time within a bi-nationally taught teaching diploma, is compared with
u/g student intercultural experience.
Formatting the data via QSR*NUDIST and a
taxonomy to create a PRA research
Detailed categories of experience have been identified and a typology established
allowing the data to be systematically tagged via QSR*NUDIST creating a searchable
archive for analytical purposes.
Analysing the data in order to extract significant patterns of information
QSR*NUDIST allows qualitative analysis of data concerning features of intercultural
experience relating to inter alia: diet, dress, alcohol, gender, stress, work,
study and language acquisition. See:
Workshop: Analysing cross-cultural encounter and
developing intercultural competence, 26/2/99
Conference presentations and related publications
Devising teaching/learning instruments to be disseminated as
‘deliverables ’ to UK higher education institutions
Materials may include, in internet or hardcopy form,
a bibliography, condensed data-bank findings, formats for diaries, questionnaires,
quizzes etc.
Exploring the data in the context of the theoretical background of
intercultural pragmatics
Project staff have used the unfolding data to update the present state of
knowledge of the evolution and problematics of cross-cultural experience within
the context of the academic discipline. See:
Workhop: Analysing cross-cultural encounter and
developing intercultural competence, 26/2/99
Conference presentations and related publications
Organising and/or participating in disseminatory workshops
RAM workshops have been regularly held at
geographically-varied UK locations, including London, Salford, Bristol,
Newcastle at which PRA matters were discussed and ICP work was described.
A new series of RAM dissemination workshops is planned for March - May 2000.
Writing and delivering academic papers with a view to publication
To keep at the cutting-edge of subject-knowledge and to disseminate scholarly
material ICP staff have attended/given papers at conferences
in Antwerp, Athens, Boulogne, Brussels, Cambridge, Lancaster, Leeds, London and
Creating the web-site you are currently exploring
Our ICP website will be regularly updated. You are invited to contact us by letter,
e-mail, phone if you wish to request information or contribute to the PRA debate.
The Interculture Project, Lonsdale College,
Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YN
tel: 01524 592 670