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ICP - the project
The ICP teamNote: As the Interculture Project has now been completed, some of these links may no longer be valid. (updated 31/3/02)
Lancaster UniversityRobert Crawshaw (Project Director) Senior Lecturer in European Languages and Cultures and Head of French Studies, Lancaster University. Educational background: University of Exeter, University of Cambridge, Université de Paris IV, Sorbonne. Formerly Director of International Relations for The Management School, Lancaster University and Advisor to DG XXII of the European Commission. Recent publications: Discourse Variety in Contemporary French (ed. with Jim Coleman, CILT, 1995); The European Business Environment: France (Thompson, 1997); Approaching French Text Analysis (with Karin Tusting, Routledge, 2000) Research interests: Stylistics and Discourse Analysis, Translation Studies, European Business Culture, Applied Linguistics Contact info: Tel: 01524 592663 email: r.crawshaw@lancaster.ac.uk David Steel Senior Lecturer in European Languages and Cultures (French Studies). Educational background: Oxford, Paris VII,
Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris), Lancaster University. Research interests: Gide,
Surrealism, Advertising Culture, Applied Language Teaching. Contact info: Tel: 01524 592665 email: d.steel@lancaster.ac.uk
Karin Tusting (Project Officer, Research) Currently doing a PhD at the Dept of Linguistics, Lancaster University, supervised by Dr. David Barton, entitled "The role of text in construction of identity in a Catholic parish community". Educational background: MA in Language Studies, Lancaster University. BA in French Studies, Lancaster University. Research interests: language and identity, critical discourse analysis, literacy studies. Member of the Language, Ideology and Power group and the Literacy Research Group in the Linguistics Department at Lancaster. Contact info: Tel: 01524 593312 email: k.tusting@lancaster.ac.uk
Beth Callen (Research Student) Department of European Languages and Cultures Research interests: I am currently doing doctoral research, looking at the language used by year abroad students to describe their intercultural experience and in particular, the way in which they represent their expectations and evaluation. Contact info Tel: 01524 593312 email: b.callen@lancaster.ac.uk
Caroline Clapham Department of Linguistics, Lancaster University. Research interests are: language testing, reading comprehension, and the language awareness of FL learners. Contact info: Tel: 01524 592442 email c.clapham@lancaster.ac.uk
Jessica Abrahams (Project Officer, Admin) Experience: Worked at Kensington and Chelsea College, Skyros Centre, Outward Bound Eskdale, Genesis Book Productions, Intermediate Technology Bookshop, inter alia. Research interests: traditional music and dance, particularly from France Contact info: Tel: 01524 592 670 email: j.abrahams@lancaster.ac.uk
Brigitte Theunissen-Hughes I have found my way to Lancaster University with a lot of detours (Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture/the Netherlands, dairy farming, shepherding, and other country jobs) and am now enjoying the link with Europe through the Interculture Project. If you have any queries regarding the Netherlands, Germany or sheep, then I am the person to contact! Contact info: Tel: 01524 592 670 email: b.theunissen-hughes@lancaster.ac.uk
University of Central LancashireSylvie Toll Academic background: Licence-es-Lettres (Universite de Nancy-Metz) PGCE (Preston) MA (Lancaster) Research interests: Discourse of Health Care (French and English speaking countries) Discursive practices in Administration and Business Personal interests: Hardy plants/gardening (including gardening metaphors!) Contact info: Tel: 01772 893 127 email: s.toll@uclan.ac.uk
St Martin's College, LancasterSimon Hall Current position: Lecturer in Spanish & Language Teaching Research interests: Learning styles, classroom interaction, Spanish contexts in language education Contact info: Tel: 01524 384 554 email: s.hall@ucsm.ac.uk
University of SheffieldTim Lewis
Educational background: BA, Joint Honours German & French (Class 1), University of London 1975
I am currently Director of the Modern Languages Teaching Centre at
the University of Sheffield, which I established in 1993. Research Interests: Second Language Learning, in particular in the development of learner autonomy, in the relationship between language development and cultural awareness, in the use of educational technology and in language testing. Contact info: Tel: 0114 222 0633 email: t.w.lewis@sheffield.ac.uk
Ursula Stickler German Tutor and Language Advisor at the
Modern Languages Teaching Centre (MLTC), University of Sheffield
Research interests: Counselling and Advising for Language Learning.
Intercultural Aspects of the Year Abroad. Learner Autonomy.
Contact: Tel: 0114 222 0637 email: u.f.stickler@sheffield.ac.uk Barry Jones Principal Lecturer: Modern Languages at Homerton College, University of Cambridge - responsible for Initial Teacher Training courses for Modern Languages: PGCE and European Teacher Programme (PGCE/Maîtrise Français Langue Etrangère- France- and PGCE/Lehramt - Austria) Degrees: BA French with German (Birmingham), Licence-ès-Lettres History and French (Lille) Research Interests: Foreign Language Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools;
Cultural Awareness; Contact info: Tel: 01223 892 577 email: blj20@cam.ac.uk