Research questions to be addressed by the network
The main focus of this network will be debate and discussion of ways in
which hard and soft approaches may be better linked to support the use
of operational research in the modelling of large and complex systems.
Examples of possible issues for discussion are as follows.
Complexity versus simplicity: how can soft and hard methods be linked to
help modellers know the degree of simplification that is appropriate? Is
it fair to regard hard methods as simplifying devices and soft methods
as ways of managing real world complexity?
Tools for linking hard and soft approaches: what type of computer-based
tools might be of help to modellers attempting to link hard and soft approaches?
Real-world issues: what type of projects and systems make the greatest
demands on complementary approaches and how might such projects and systems
be classified?
Implementation: the problems of getting industrial managers to use system
models and the role of soft methods in this.
Consideration of the use of soft and hard methods in specific contexts:
or example, using soft and hard approaches to manage risk in large-scale
modelling projects.
Links to other aspects of large scale system theory: dialogue with other