Natalia Sienkiewicz, Naomi Godber

Lancaster University (Bailrigg, UK) | | Degree: BSc Psychology
Analysis of Student Engagement Regarding Careers Service


The Careers Service is the main Lancaster University careers team which provides students with various opportunities to enhance their employability. Although the events have a wide range of options and timing, they are not attended by the majority of students. The feedback from the Panel session from last year indicated that only a small percentage of students follow the social media accounts of the Careers Service, where the majority of events are promoted. However, after attending an event, most of the students consider it highly beneficial and show an interest in attending a similar one. To assess what things could be changed to drive engagement we contacted several students and staff members to ask them directly questions relating to careers events and opportunities. Using these responses and iterating on a past survey used by the Careers Service, we built a survey to gauge student opinion on different factors involving the Careers Service opportunities. This survey showed several changes that have strong student backing and could drive engagement. Most prominent are: careers events being listed on students timetables would be helpful, opportunities given must be made clear for students, and university careers websites should be promoted more and easy to access. 




Natalia Sienkiewicz, Naomi Godber