Mia Gibbons

UA92 | | Degree: BA Physical Education
An Investigation into the perceived barriers and challenges Female track and field coaches face.


Over the last 40 years, a growing awareness of women in sports coaching is often overlooked across the globe, at all sporting levels, due to complex, numerous and interconnected barriers (Cunnigham & Sagas; LaVoi & Baeth, 2017). This study investigates the perceived barriers or challenges female track and field coaches face along with the support networks and systems (e.g. family, partners, friends, and colleagues) they use as track and field athletic coaches. Six voluntary female track and field coaches took part in semi-structured interviews (25-40mins). Thematic analysis was conducted on the transcribed interviews, with three key challenges or barriers emerging. Ultimately the findings reported 'lack of support', 'motherhood', and 'treatment by males' as common challenges female coaches experience, effecting their role. Certainly, the findings recognise barriers to female coaching a concern, advocating further research on how these challenges can be addressed, so there can be an increase on female track and field coaches in the future.

Mia Gibbons