Holly Woodman
This research investigates how contemporary artists depict physical chronic health conditions throughout their practice. This topic raises issues that have been relevant throughout history, but even more so in present times, such as illness, isolation, therapy, and the correlation between physical and mental health. My research is centred on the use of practice-based research with myself as someone who has personal experiences with chronic physical illnesses. The writings of R Crone, Vanessa Corby, and Barbara Rodriguez Munoz will help to analyse the works of Eva
Hesse and Louise Bourgeois, as they pursue the exploration of artistic concepts surrounding illness, isolation, and displacement. Critical links will be made to primary resources including personal medical files and experiences. The works of Frida Kahlo, Hannah Wilke, and Tracey Emin will be explored to investigate the
relationship and connections between physical and emotional health and the ways they can intertwine and overlap. By analysing the work of these three artists, I hope to gain insight into how art can enhance our understanding of chronic health conditions in a more contemporary context.