Derrick Brew
Wallets are a pocket-sized flat folding case for holding money and plastic cards. Wallets are undoubtedly convenient to owners but possessing a physical wallet comes with some risks such as theft. Owners can also tend to forget these flat folding cases, which can be a real inconvenience. Wallanet is a mobile app that aims to digitalize the traditional physical wallet hence not only an eWallet but also an eID system. Wallanet is a simple to use mobile app with the ability to make payments, ability to share business cards with qr codes as well allowing its users to store other documents they may have had in their original physical wallet. Java will be the main programming language used in the development of this mobile app, as well as python for artificial intelligence requirements. Wallanet give users a secure but convenient experience. Security features such as live picture and id card picture comparison and two factor authentication are utilized and near field communication technology is used for user convenience.