Brooke Hamblin

Blackpool and the Fylde College | | Degree: Musical Theatre
How does The Uncanny Valley effect a neurotypical VS a neurodivergent brain?


This research project investigates the differences between neurodivergent and neurotypical brains when exposed to and affected by the uncanny, specifically within theatre. Through this research it will enable practitioners within the performance industry to approach acting techniques with an inclusive mindset when developing productions. Although the industry is increasingly becoming inclusive, neurodivergence is seldom overlooked specifically within horror theatre. By analysing the data from this research, practitioners will be able to develop a new working methodology for this branch of performance for this type of performer.  

The overall aim of this research is to establish the difference between the different perspectives of performers and The Uncanny Valley; delving further into neuroscience and supernatural, which is the main link between these two subjects. 

Through this process theatre’s application of affecting audiences can be fully informed to utilise The Uncanny within the horror genre to elicit the desired response from both neurotypical and neurodivergent audience members



Brooke Hamblin