Amie Suthers
This project investigates the implicit memory recall of brand logos in children aged 6-11. Research over the past two decades have focussed on embedded advertising, particularly product placement and the effect this has on children’s understanding of marketing/buying habits however, this research uses mostly explicit memory tasks. New techniques in recent years have been developed to measure memory of advertisements which may not be consciously retrieved. Using the Fragmented Logo Implicit Recognition Task (a measure of implicit memory), we investigate further by comparing a singular central-placed logo to a cluster of several brand logos in a scene using film clips. In person testing was conducted within a primary school using an experimental, mixed methods design. An interview was also conducted to analyse beliefs and understandings of product placements. The expectation of this project is that older children will perform significantly better and have more of an understanding of product placement. Singular placed logos will also be a significantly better advertising technique for implicit memory compared to a cluster of logos. This study is important in order to fully understand the effect of advertising towards children and find the balance between effective marketing and children’s safeguarding.
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