Alfred Selasi Govina

Alfred Selasi Govina

Computer Science (Ghana) | Year 4 | Degree: Computer Science
Can AI fully replace Human Resource experts or managers draft report ?

Using an AI in recruiting applicants into companies and organisations has been an innovative way in the business environment in recent years. The anticipated outcome for this application is to ensure a much easier way of recruiting applicants using an AI. With the help of an AI, HR managers will recruit people with the right capability for the job. The system will respond to applicant requests and provide the recruitment procedures from the start to the finishing stage where the applicant could be hired or not. The incremental model will be implemented in this project. The system uses text mining, natural language processing, and classification algorithms to extract relevant information about applicants with reference to the job description. This information is matched with parameters set in the system such as relevant critical skills, and competencies. This recruitment model will be a process where candidates do not have direct interaction with the employers; however, the system makes all decisions regarding the selection. In this application, the recruitment system will solely select applicants by accepting applications online and conducting tests and interviews based on what the HR expert has set in the system until the candidates are hired.

Alfred Selasi Govina