Helena Jackson

Blackpool and the Fylde College | | Degree: Musical Theatre
A critical analysis of perfectionism through an acting pedagogy lens, identifying the impact and manifestation in performers.


A study into perfectionism and how it impacts and manifests in performers is a critical analysis and will be drawn from established psychologists who have specialised in perfectionism and also leading acting specialists through their pedagogy of work. The overall aim is to establish if perfectionism is born from nature or is a developed through nurture and the repercussions this then has on aspiring performers. Performers from the very nature of the work strive for perfection, it is important to establish the physical and mental repercussions this can have on the self. The overall aim is to establish if perfectionism is born from nature or is a developed through nurture and the repercussions this then has on aspiring performers. Performers from the very nature of the work strive for perfection, it is important to establish the physical and mental repercussions this can have on the self. This research will scrutinise perfectionism and its affect on performers not only their mental health but their approach to creative practice and therefore the output generated. This will be explored through the ideologies of contagion and ensemble within performance work and will be conducted using quantitative research with a phenomenological and ethnographic theory approach. This research will scrutinise perfectionism and its affect on performers not only their mental health but their approach to creative practice and therefore the output generated. This will be explored through the ideologies of contagion and ensemble within performance work and will be conducted using quantitative research with a phenomenological and ethnographic theory approach.



Helena Jackson