Beatrice Hooper

Blackpool and the Fylde College | | Degree: Musical Theatre
Freddie Mercury... Be Quiet! The Correlation Between Vocal and Mental Health of the Performer


‘Freddie Mercury… Be Quiet! The Correlation Between Vocal and Mental Health of the Performer’ is an investigation that brings together problems with the actor’s working week, performers who have struggled with mental and/or vocal health and the changes the industry are currently creating to raise awareness to end the stigma of ‘The Show Must Go On’ mentality.

The overall aim is to give an awareness that performers rely on their voice as an instrument and when it ‘breaks’, it can cause them more problems than having to call in sick. The industry is slowly changing in favour of performers’ vocal health and highlighting these changes, while making people aware of the problems actors still face, is the main objective of the research.

The research will open people’s eyes to the hidden world of Musical Theatre that is often ignored, in hopes that more people will come out and accept changes that benefit the performer and create a stable and healthy industry for the future graduates and performers to enter in to. 



Beatrice Hooper