Charuhasen Kumaraswamy

Charuhasen Kumaraswamy

Computer Science (Ghana) | Year 3 | Degree: BSc Hons Computer Science
Use of blockchain to improve patient privacy in electronic health records

Electronic Health Records (EHR) are becoming increasingly widespread around the world. Medical data, such as patient personal information, diagnostic findings, and doctor prescriptions, are stored electronically in the healthcare business. However, contemporary EHR systems have several privacy and security issues. Currently, such sensitive data is stored using a centralized storage structure. One of the most significant drawbacks of the centralized model is the difficulty in maintaining user privacy. There have been proposals to employ distributed off-chain storage, such as the interplanetary file system, to improve security and privacy when storing patient and doctor health information due to its ability to access files with the use of content address hashing therefore making it a distributed system entirely.

Charuhasen Kumaraswamy