Roger Bromley, Emeritus Professor of Cultural Studies and Honorary Professor of Sociology at the University of Nottingham, has been appointed Visiting Professor with the Department of English & Creative Writing at Lancaster, where he will work closely with the Centre for Transcultural Writing and Research. Author of the seminal work, Narratives for a New Belonging, Roger is currently working on a new book, Narratives of Hope? Conflict, Reconciliation and Cultural Forms (with reference to Bosnia, Rwanda and South Africa). He is also involved with a project on the representation of migration and displacement in cinematic forms, provisionally entitled People on the Move: Narratives of Displacement and Belonging. Professor Bromley says: ‘Having had a small part in the Moving Manchester project and some of the Glocal Imaginaries conference and of its outcomes, I am genuinely delighted and honored by this appointment, which will provide the opportunity to work more closely with the Department and the Centre. I look forward very much to the intellectual stimulus and fresh challenges offered by meeting with colleagues and students, planning new projects and sharing in research initiatives.’