Talks and Readings
Trans-Scriptions is a seminar series established to bring together creative writers and academics to explore issues of writing, culture and location. So far, the series has included a range of readings, talks and conferences:
- Retrospection
07-12-05: talks by critics and readings by writers at the Storey Institute. - Anticipation
15-03-06: writers, academics & publishers in dialogue at the Storey Institute. - Creative-critical Synergies
27-02-09: cross-disciplinary exchanges
between members of the Centre.
- Gary Younge
08-03-11: distinguished international journalist spoke about his new book. - Points of Departure 16-03-11: Angela Barry, Bermudan writer, read from her novel.
- Travel Writing and the Ethics of Observation 16-06-12: workshop, photography exhibition and talks.
writing . culture . location
Once we accept the actual configuration of literary experiences overlapping with one another and interdependent, despite national boundaries and coercively legislated national autonomies, history and geography are transfigured in new maps, in new and far less stable entities, in new types of locations. Exile, far from being the fate of nearly forgotten unfortunates who are dispossessed and expatriated, becomes something closer to a norm, an experience of crossing boundaries and charting new territories in defiance of the classic canonical enclosures…
Edward Said
Open Day Featuring David Dabydeen 31-05-07: author David Dabydeen was the main speaker at this all-day event inaugurating the Centre[…]
Migration, Memory & Mood 01-05-08: a writer, a sociologist and an artist/filmmaker discussed migration, memory and mood in ‘multicultural’ Britain[…]
Regarding War: Image/Text 18-06-09: a photographer, a filmmaker and a writer and a critic discussed conflict, displacement and alienation[…]
Africa: Cultural Translations 21/22-05-10: two-day conference organised by Lancaster University African Studies Group[…]