The Skies are for All: Ruskin and Climate Change
Explore Lancaster University’s Ruskin Whitehouse Collection exhibited in London and the Lake District.
22 April – 26 June 2022, Blue Gallery, Brantwood
A lifetime of observing the skies led John Ruskin to conclude that human activities were damaging the environment. This exhibition explores how Ruskin’s analysis paralleled the evolution of climate science, and shaped his contribution to defining the Anthropocene: the world we have made.
John Ruskin in the Age of Science
This exhibition is part of the series John Ruskin in the Age of Science. John Ruskin (1819-1900) lived in an era of rapid scientific progress that shaped modern Britain. Curated by Sandra Kemp (The Ruskin), with Keith Moore (the Royal Society) and Howard Hull (Brantwood), the exhibitions place Ruskin alongside his nineteenth century scientific contemporaries, exploring his influence on science and society, in his time and our own.