Strategic Projects

An image showing alexandra square at night time

About us

The Strategic Projects team provides programme and project management to initiatives identified by the University Executive Board (UEB) as strategic in nature. We also offer leadership, advice and guidance on change management.​

We sit within the division of Strategic Planning and Governance, and work closely with the University Executive, professional services divisions, faculties, academic departments and other relevant stakeholders.

We aim to provide consistent, aligned and efficient support through project lifecycles. We also strive for continual improvement in connectivity and alignment in projects across the university.

LU Future

We provide programme and project management for some of the key initiatives in the LU Future portfolio. LU Future is our institutional 'size, shape and simplification' portfolio, designed to align our agenda for change and implement a range of budget efficiencies, remove complexity from the way we work and make transparent strategic changes.

More about LU Future

The team

You can contact the team by email: Or view details of team members on our team page.

Strategic Projects

Examples of projects we manage

Curriculum Transformation Programme

This programme is streamlining the design, shape and delivery of education at Lancaster by introducing a signature curriculum that is sustainable, inclusive, distinctive and attractive.

The programme is now in the second phase, during which all undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes are redesigned to align with the education framework.

More about the CTP
A young male law student reading a textbook.

Academic Workload Project

This project is delivering improved management and reporting of workload allocations in faculties and departments by rolling out the Simitive platform.​ The project team continue to work with faculties to establish consistency in academic workload models across the university.

More about AWP
A young male law student reading a textbook.

Deakin-Lancaster-Indonesia (DLI) Campus

This project is establishing a new partner campus in Bandung, Indonesia in partnership with Deakin University.

More about DLI Campus
A young male law student reading a textbook.

Online Degrees Project

This project is seeking to grow Lancaster's online taught postgraduate degree portfolio. The initial indicative portfolio will launch fifteen new fully online master's programmes in the coming years.

Please contact for more information.

A young male law student reading a textbook.

Stakeholder engagement

Project teams will engage and communicate with stakeholders using a wide variety of methods, which might include workshops, seminars, all staff meetings, town halls, staff intranet updates and other recreational events. Our approach is grounded in the University values.

More about the University Values

Further information

The team promote good project and change management practices by providing support, guidance and resources to colleagues across the university who are involved in managing projects and change. We also bring together colleagues working in these areas in the LU Projects community.
